if (typeof DEBUG == "undefined") DEBUG = false; if (!Date.now) { Date.now = function e() { return (new Date).getTime() } } if (!Date.prototype.toSlotFormat) { Date.prototype.toSlotFormat = function() { return this.getFullYear() + "-" + (this.getMonth() + 1 < 10 ? "0" + (this.getMonth() + 1) : this.getMonth() + 1) + "-" + (this.getDate() < 10 ? "0" + this.getDate() : this.getDate()) + "T" + (this.getHours() < 10 ? "0" + this.getHours() : this.getHours()) + ":" + (this.getMinutes() < 10 ? "0" + this.getMinutes() : this.getMinutes()) + ":" + (this.getSeconds() < 10 ? "0" + this.getSeconds() : this.getSeconds()) } }(function(e, i, t) { if ("placeholder" in i.createElement("input")) { i.placeholderPolyfill = function() {}; i.placeholderPolyfill.active = false; return } i.placeholderPolyfill = function(e) { return r(e) }; i.placeholderPolyfill.active = true; var a = h(); a.addRule(".-placeholder", "color: #888;", 0); a.addRule("input", "behavior: expression(document.placeholderPolyfill(this))", 0); a.addRule("textarea", "behavior: expression(document.placeholderPolyfill(this))", 0); a.addRule("input", "-ms-behavior: expression(document.placeholderPolyfill(this))", 0); a.addRule("textarea", "-ms-behavior: expression(document.placeholderPolyfill(this))", 0); function r(a) { if (!c(a)) { return } if (a.__placeholder != null) { if (a.__placeholder) { a.value = r() } return } var i = d(a); function r() { return i = d(a) } if (a.value) { a.__placeholder = false; if (a.value === r()) { n() } } else { o() } l(a, "keyup", t); l(a, "keyDown", t); l(a, "blur", t); l(a, "focus", s); l(a, "click", s); l(a, "propertychange", e); function e() { setTimeout(function() { var e = i; var t = r(); if (e !== t) { if (a.__placeholder) { a.value = t } } if (a.__placeholder && a.value !== t) { a.__placeholder = false } }, 0) } function t() { if (a.value) { s() } else { o() } } function o() { if (!a.__placeholder && !a.value) { n() } } function n() { a.__placeholder = true; a.value = r(); u(a, "-placeholder") } function s() { if (a.__placeholder) { a.__placeholder = false; a.value = ""; p(a, "-placeholder") } } } function c(e) { var t = (e.nodeName || "").toLowerCase(); return t === "textarea" || t === "input" && (e.type === "text" || e.type === "password") } function l(e, t, a) { if (e.addEventListener) { e.addEventListener(t, a, false) } else if (e.attachEvent) { e.attachEvent("on" + t, a) } } function o(e, t, a) { if (e.removeEventListener) { e.removeEventListener(t, a, false) } else if (e.detachEvent) { e.detachEvent("on" + t, a) } } function n(e, t) { if (e.forEach) { return e.forEach(t) } for (var a = 0, i = e.length; a < i; a++) { t.call(null, e[a], a, e) } } function s(e, t) { if (e.filter) { return e.filter(t) } var a = []; for (var i = 0, r = e.length; i < r; i++) { if (t.call(null, e[i], i, e)) { a.push(e[i]) } } return a } var f = {}; function m(e) { if (!f[e]) { f[e] = new RegExp("(^|\\s)+" + e + "(\\s|$)+", "g") } return f[e] } function u(e, t) { e.className += " " + t } function p(e, t) { e.className = e.className.replace(m(t), " ") } function d(e) { return e.getAttribute("placeholder") || e.attributes.placeholder && e.attributes.placeholder.nodeValue } function h() { var e = i.styleSheets && i.styleSheets[0]; if (!e) { var t = i.head || i.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var a = i.createElement("style"); a.appendChild(i.createTextNode("")); i.head.appendChild(a); e = a.sheet } return e } })(window, document); var at = new function() { var C; this.Map = function(e, t) { if (C) { console.log("AT map already instantiated"); return } this.div; this.mapObject; this.refreshToken; this.updateTimer; this.lastUpdateDateTime; this.lastHeartBeat = Date.now(); this.heartBeat; this.language = "FR"; this.trafficLayer = "realTime"; this.initialTrafficForecastDateTime; this.trafficForecastDateTime; this.trafficForecastMinDate; this.trafficForecastMaxDate; this.trafficForecastDatePicker; this.createForecastDateSelectionScreenTries = 0; this.onTrafficForecastDateTimeChange; this.minZoom = 6; this.maxZoom = 13; this.zoomSnap = 1; this.zoomDelta = 1; this.zoom = 6; this.center = [46.75944, 2.40111]; this.maxBounds = L.latLngBounds([35, -15], [57, 20]); this.SAWT = []; this.areas = []; this.exits = []; this.webcams = []; this.webcamsLoading = false; this.webcamsLoaded = false; this.webcamData; this.tripTimes = []; this.tripTimeClusters = []; this.trafficForecastSections = []; this.rushHours = []; this.trafficForecastSectionsLoading = false; this.trafficForecastSectionsLoaded = false; this.trafficForecastSectionStates = []; this.trafficForecastChartData = []; this.trafficForecastGroups = []; this.webcamsOn = false; this.areasOn = false; this.exitsOn = false; this.tripTimesOn = false; this.disruptionsOn = false; this.informationOn = false; this.waitingTimesOn = false; this.disruptions = []; this.information = []; this.waitingTimes = []; this.trafficAlerts = []; this.markerIconSizes = []; this.informationMarkers = new Array(this.maxZoom - this.minZoom + 1); this.disruptionMarkers = new Array(this.maxZoom - this.minZoom + 1); this.waitingTimeMarkers = new Array(this.maxZoom - this.minZoom + 1); this.trafficForecastMarkers = new Array(this.maxZoom - this.minZoom + 1); for (var a = 0; a < this.maxZoom - this.minZoom + 1; ++a) { this.informationMarkers[a] = []; this.disruptionMarkers[a] = []; this.waitingTimeMarkers[a] = []; this.trafficForecastMarkers[a] = L.layerGroup() } this.disruptionsMarkerGroup = new L.featureGroup; this.informationMarkerGroup = new L.featureGroup; this.waitingTimeMarkerGroup = new L.featureGroup; this.webcamMarkerGroups = []; this.weatherForcast = {}; this.userLocationMarker; this.tripTimeMarkerGroup = new L.layerGroup; this.areaMarkerLayer; this.exitMarkerLayer; this.trafficStateLayer; this.backgroundLayer; this.labelLayer; this.trafficForecastLayer; this.zoomControl; this.buttons = []; this.menuBar; this.sideBar; this.displayBackground = true; this.displayLabels = true; this.displayTrafficState = true; this.displayTrafficForecast = false; this.displayEventsButtonBar = true; this.displayExitsButton = true; this.displayAreasButton = true; this.displayWebcamsButton = false; this.displayWeatherForcastButton = false; this.displayTrafficAlerts = true; this.displayUserLocationButton = true; this.displayZoomControl = true; this.displayFullScreenControl = true; this.displayMenuBar = true; this.displayTripTimesListButton = false; this.displayTrafficForecastDateButton = true; this.displayTrafficForecastTimeButtons = true; this.displayTrafficForecastButton = false; this.displayTrafficForecastListButton = false; this.poiLookupAreaFactor = L.Browser.touch ? 15 : 5; this.poiOffsetScaleFactor = 5; this.enableSegmentRollOver = false; this.segmentRollOverGeoJsonGeometryLocation = ""; this.segmentRollOverGeoJsonGeometry = null; this.segmentRollOverPropeties = null; this.fullScreen; this.fullScreenToggle; this.refreshTime = 180; if (t) { if (t["minZoom"] && !isNaN(parseInt(t["minZoom"], 10)) && parseInt(t["minZoom"], 10) < 18 && parseInt(t["minZoom"], 10) > 5) { this.minZoom = t["minZoom"] } if (t["zoom"] && !isNaN(parseInt(t["zoom"], 10)) && parseInt(t["zoom"], 10) < 18 && parseInt(t["zoom"], 10) > 5) { this.zoom = t["zoom"] } if (t["maxZoom"] && !isNaN(parseInt(t["maxZoom"], 10)) && parseInt(t["maxZoom"], 10) < 18 && parseInt(t["maxZoom"], 10) > 5) { this.maxZoom = t["maxZoom"] } if (t["poiLookupAreaFactor"] && !isNaN(parseInt(t["poiLookupAreaFactor"]))) { this.poiLookupAreaFactor = t["poiLookupAreaFactor"] } if (t["poiOffsetScaleFactor"] && !isNaN(parseInt(t["poiOffsetScaleFactor"]))) { this.poiOffsetScaleFactor = t["poiOffsetScaleFactor"] } if (t["center"] && t["center"].constructor === Array) { this.center = t["center"] } if (t["maxBounds"] && t["maxBounds"].constructor === Array) { this.maxBounds = L.latLngBounds(t["maxBounds"]) } if (t["displayBackground"] === false) { this.displayBackground = false } if (t["displayLabels"] === false) { this.displayLabels = false } if (t["displayTrafficState"] === false) { this.displayTrafficState = false } if (t["displayEventsButtonBar"] === false) { this.displayEventsButtonBar = false } if (t["displayExitsButton"] === false) { this.displayExitsButton = false } if (t["displayAreasButton"] === false) { this.displayAreasButton = false } if (t["displayWebcamsButton"] === true) { this.displayWebcamsButton = true } if (t["displayWeatherForcastButton"] === true) { this.displayWeatherForcastButton = true } if (t["displayTrafficAlerts"] === false) { this.displayTrafficAlerts = false } if (t["displayUserLocationButton"] === false) { this.displayUserLocationButton = false } if (t["displayTripTimesListButton"] === true) { this.displayTripTimesListButton = true } if (t["displayZoomControl"] === false) { this.displayZoomControl = false } if (t["displayFullScreenControl"] === false) { this.displayFullScreenControl = false } if (t["fullScreen"] === true) { this.fullScreen = true } if (t["fullScreenToggle"]) { this.fullScreenToggle = t["fullScreenToggle"] } if (t["displayMenuBar"] === false) { this.displayMenuBar = false } if (t["language"]) { this.language = t["language"] } if (t["trafficLayer"]) { this.trafficLayer = t["trafficLayer"] } if (t["displayTrafficForecastButton"] === true && this.trafficLayer == "forecast") { this.displayTrafficForecastButton = true } if (t["displayTrafficForecastListButton"] === true && this.trafficLayer == "forecast") { this.displayTrafficForecastListButton = true } if (t["displayTrafficForecastDateButton"] === false || this.trafficLayer != "forecast") { this.displayTrafficForecastDateButton = false } if (t["displayTrafficForecastTimeButtons"] === false || this.trafficLayer != "forecast") { this.displayTrafficForecastTimeButtons = false } if (t["initialTrafficForecastDateTime"]) { this.initialTrafficForecastDateTime = t["initialTrafficForecastDateTime"] } if (!isNaN(t['zoomDelta'])) { this.zoomDelta = t['zoomDelta']; } if (!isNaN(t['zoomSnap'])) { this.zoomSnap = t['zoomSnap']; } if (t["onTrafficForecastDateTimeChange"]) { if (typeof t["onTrafficForecastDateTimeChange"] === "function") { this.onTrafficForecastDateTimeChange = t["onTrafficForecastDateTimeChange"] } else if (typeof t["onTrafficForecastDateTimeChange"] === "string" && window[t.onTrafficForecastDateTimeChange]) { this.onTrafficForecastDateTimeChange = window[t.onTrafficForecastDateTimeChange] } } if (t["refreshTime"] && !isNaN(parseInt(t["refreshTime"], 10)) && parseInt(t["refreshTime"], 10) > 0 && parseInt(t["refreshTime"], 10) < 361) { this.refreshTime = t["refreshTime"] } if (this.enableSegmentRollOver === true && typeof SAWT3_SegmentRollOverGeoJsonGeometryLocation != "undefined" && typeof SAWT3_SegmentRollOverPopupDataLocation != "undefined") { WT3_LoadGeoJsonSegmentGeometry() } } if (!this.div && !this.mapObject) { this.div = document.getElementById(e); this.mapObject = L.map(e, { center: this.center, zoom: this.zoom, minZoom: this.minZoom, maxZoom: this.maxZoom - 1, zoomDelta: this.zoomDelta, zoomSnap: this.zoomSnap, maxBounds: this.maxBounds, zoomControl: false, bounceAtZoomLimits: false, poiLookupAreaFactor: this.poiLookupAreaFactor, poiOffsetScaleFactor: this.poiOffsetScaleFactor, zoomAnimationThreshold: 4, zoomAnimation: true, wheelPxPerZoomLevel: 100 }); this.mapObject.attributionControl.addAttribution(getLabelForLocale("attribution", this.language)) } C = this; re(); if (this.displayMenuBar) { if (t && t["sideBarItems"]) { this.sideBar = L.sideBar({ items: t["sideBarItems"] }).addTo(this.mapObject); this.menuBar = L.menuBar({ sideBar: this.sideBar }).addTo(this.mapObject) } else { this.menuBar = L.menuBar().addTo(this.mapObject) } if (t && t["mapTitle"]) this.menuBar.setTitle(t["mapTitle"]); if (t && t["aboutPopinContentFile"]) this.menuBar.getAboutContent(t["aboutPopinContentFile"]); this.menuBar.setAboutPopinTitle(getLabelForLocale("aboutPopinTitle", this.language)) } if (this.displayEventsButtonBar && this.trafficLayer != "forecast") { var i = [{ title: getLabelForLocale("showInformation", this.language), buttonname: "information", controlcssclass: "leaflet-customButtonBar-information-" + this.language.toLowerCase(), controlcssclassactivated: "leaflet-customButtonBar-information-activated-" + this.language.toLowerCase(), intendedFunction: F }, { title: getLabelForLocale("showDisruptions", this.language), buttonname: "disruptions", controlcssclass: "leaflet-customButtonBar-disruptions-" + this.language.toLowerCase(), controlcssclassactivated: "leaflet-customButtonBar-disruptions-activated-" + this.language.toLowerCase(), intendedFunction: k }]; L.customControlBar(this.mapObject, { position: "topleft", buttons: i }); this.buttons.push(i) } if ((this.displayExitsButton || this.displayAreasButton || this.displayWebcamsButton || this.displayWeatherForcastButton) && this.trafficLayer != "forecast") { var i = []; if (this.displayExitsButton) { i.push({ title: getLabelForLocale("showExits", this.language), buttonname: "exits", controlcssclass: "leaflet-customButtonBar-exits-" + this.language.toLowerCase(), controlcssclassactivated: "leaflet-customButtonBar-exits-activated-" + this.language.toLowerCase(), intendedFunction: w }) } if (this.displayWebcamsButton) { i.push({ title: getLabelForLocale("showWebcams", this.language), buttonname: "webcams", controlcssclass: "leaflet-customButtonBar-webcams-" + this.language.toLowerCase(), controlcssclassactivated: "leaflet-customButtonBar-webcams-activated-" + this.language.toLowerCase(), intendedFunction: D }) } if (this.displayWeatherForcastButton) { i.push({ title: getLabelForLocale("showWeatherForcast", this.language), buttonname: "weatherForcast", controlcssclass: "leaflet-customButtonBar-weatherForcast-" + this.language.toLowerCase(), controlcssclassactivated: "leaflet-customButtonBar-weatherForcast-activated-" + this.language.toLowerCase(), intendedFunction: weatherForcastControl_onClick }) } if (this.displayAreasButton) { i.push({ title: getLabelForLocale("showAreas", this.language), buttonname: "areas", controlcssclass: "leaflet-customButtonBar-areas-" + this.language.toLowerCase(), controlcssclassactivated: "leaflet-customButtonBar-areas-activated-" + this.language.toLowerCase(), intendedFunction: M }) } L.customControlBar(this.mapObject, { position: "topleft", buttons: i }); this.buttons.push(i) } if (this.trafficLayer == "forecast") { var i = []; if (this.displayTrafficForecastButton) { i.push({ title: getLabelForLocale("display24hTraffic", this.language), buttonname: "forecasts", controlcssclass: "leaflet-customButtonBar-forecasts-" + this.language.toLowerCase(), controlcssclassactivated: "leaflet-customButtonBar-forecasts-activated-" + this.language.toLowerCase(), intendedFunction: A }) } L.customControlBar(this.mapObject, { position: "topleft", buttons: i }); this.buttons.push(i) } if (this.displayTripTimesListButton && this.trafficLayer != "forecast") { var r = document.getElementsByClassName("leaflet-bottom"); for (var a = 0; a < r.length; ++a) { r[a].classList.add("with-control-bottom") } var i = [{ title: getLabelForLocale("showTripTimeList", this.language), buttonname: "tripTimeListButton", controlcssclass: "leaflet-customButtonBar-triptimelist", controlcssclassactivated: "leaflet-customButtonBar-triptimelist-activated", intendedFunction: B }]; L.customControlBar(this.mapObject, { position: "bottomright", buttons: i }); this.buttons.push(i) } if (this.trafficLayer == "forecast") { var r = document.getElementsByClassName("leaflet-bottom"); for (var a = 0; a < r.length; ++a) { r[a].classList.add("with-control-bottom") } var i = []; if (this.displayTrafficForecastDateButton) { i.push({ title: getLabelForLocale("openForecastDateSelectScreen", this.language), buttonname: "openForecastDateSelectScreen", controlcssclass: "leaflet-customButtonBar-forecastdateselectscreen", controlcssclassactivated: "leaflet-customButtonBar-forecastdateselectscreen-activated", intendedFunction: W }) } if (this.displayTrafficForecastTimeButtons) { i.push({ title: getLabelForLocale("trafficForecastTimeSlide", this.language), buttonname: "trafficForecastTimeSlide", controlcssclass: "leaflet-customButtonBar-forecasttimeslide", controlcssclassactivated: "leaflet-customButtonBar-forecastdateselectscreen-activated", defaultClick: true }) } if (this.displayTrafficForecastListButton) { i.push({ title: getLabelForLocale("trafficForecastList", this.language), buttonname: "trafficForecastList", controlcssclass: "leaflet-customButtonBar-forecastlist", controlcssclassactivated: "leaflet-customButtonBar-forecastlist-activated", intendedFunction: I }) } if (i.length > 0) { L.customControlBar(this.mapObject, { position: "bottomright", buttons: i, direction: "horizontal" }); this.buttons.push(i) } } this.zoomControl = new L.Control.Zoom({ position: "topright", zoomInTitle: getLabelForLocale("zoomIn", this.language), zoomOutTitle: getLabelForLocale("zoomOut", this.language), zoomInText: "", zoomOutText: "" }); this.zoomControl.addTo(this.mapObject); if (this.displayUserLocationButton) { var i = [{ title: getLabelForLocale("showUserLocation", this.language), buttonname: "userLocation", controlcssclass: "leaflet-customButtonBar-userlocation", controlcssclassactivated: "leaflet-customButtonBar-userlocation-activated", intendedFunction: _ }]; L.customControlBar(this.mapObject, { position: "topright", buttons: i }); this.buttons.push(i) } if (this.displayFullScreenControl) { var i = [{ title: getLabelForLocale("fullScreenMap", this.language), buttonname: "FullScreen", controlcssclass: "leaflet-customButtonBar-fullscreen", controlcssclassactivated: "leaflet-customButtonBar-exitfullscreen", intendedFunction: O }]; L.customControlBar(this.mapObject, { position: "topright", buttons: i }); this.buttons.push(i); if (this.fullScreen) { L.activateButtonInCustomControlBar("FullScreen") } } this.mapObject.on("click", N); this.mapObject.on("mousemove", j); this.mapObject.on("zoomstart", x); this.mapObject.on("popupclose", E); this.mapObject.on("zoomend", P); this.mapObject.on("moveend", Be); this.mapObject.on("popupclose", Be); this.mapObject.on("resize", Z); this.mapObject.on("locationfound", H); this.mapObject.on("locationerror", R); this.backgroundLayerOptions = { maxZoom: this.maxZoom + 1, minZoom: this.minZoom, updateWhenZooming: true, detectRetina: true }; if (typeof SAWT3_BackgroundTilesLocation != "undefined" && this.displayBackground) { this.SAWT["SAWT3_BackgroundTilesLocation"] = SAWT3_BackgroundTilesLocation; var o; o = L.tileLayer(SAWT3_BackgroundTilesLocation + "{z}/{x}/{y}.png", this.backgroundLayerOptions); o.setZIndex(0); o.addTo(this.mapObject); this.backgroundLayer = o } switch (this.trafficLayer) { case "forecast": this.displayTrafficState = false; this.displayTrafficForecast = true; this.trafficForecastLayerOptions = { maxZoom: this.maxZoom, minZoom: this.minZoom, detectRetina: false, updateWhenZooming: true }; WT3_LoadTrafficForecastSections(); qe(); u(); break; case "neutral": this.trafficStateLayerOptions = { maxZoom: this.maxZoom, minZoom: this.minZoom, detectRetina: false, updateWhenZooming: true }; if (typeof SAWT3_NeutralRoadLayoutLocation != "undefined" && this.displayTrafficState) { this.SAWT["SAWT3_NeutralRoadLayoutLocation"] = SAWT3_NeutralRoadLayoutLocation; var n; n = L.tileLayer(SAWT3_NeutralRoadLayoutLocation + "{z}/{x}/{y}.png", this.trafficStateLayerOptions); n.setZIndex(20); n.addTo(this.mapObject); this.trafficStateLayer = n } break; default: this.trafficStateLayerOptions = { maxZoom: this.maxZoom, minZoom: this.minZoom, detectRetina: false, updateWhenZooming: true }; if (typeof SAWT3_RealTimeTrafficStateTilesLocation != "undefined" && this.displayTrafficState) { this.SAWT["SAWT3_RealTimeTrafficStateTilesLocation"] = SAWT3_RealTimeTrafficStateTilesLocation; var n; n = L.tileLayer(SAWT3_RealTimeTrafficStateTilesLocation + "{z}/{x}/{y}.png", this.trafficStateLayerOptions); n.setZIndex(20); n.addTo(this.mapObject); this.trafficStateLayer = n } } this.labelsLayerOptions = { maxZoom: this.maxZoom, minZoom: this.minZoom, detectRetina: false, updateWhenZooming: true }; if (typeof SAWT3_LabelsTilesLocation != "undefined" && this.displayLabels) { this.SAWT["SAWT3_LabelsTilesLocation"] = SAWT3_LabelsTilesLocation; var s; s = L.tileLayer(SAWT3_LabelsTilesLocation + "{z}/{x}/{y}.png", this.labelsLayerOptions); s.setZIndex(30); s.addTo(this.mapObject); this.labelLayer = s } this.exitLayerOptions = { maxZoom: this.maxZoom, minZoom: this.minZoom, detectRetina: false, updateWhenZooming: true }; if (typeof SAWT3_ExitMarkerTilesLocation != "undefined") { this.SAWT["SAWT3_ExitMarkerTilesLocation"] = SAWT3_ExitMarkerTilesLocation; var c = L.tileLayer(SAWT3_ExitMarkerTilesLocation + "{z}/{x}/{y}.png", this.exitLayerOptions); c.setZIndex(40); c.on("tileload", G); c.on("tileunload", z); this.exitMarkerLayer = c } this.areaLayerOptions = { maxZoom: this.maxZoom, minZoom: this.minZoom, detectRetina: false, updateWhenZooming: true }; if (typeof SAWT3_AreaMarkerTilesLocation != "undefined") { this.SAWT["SAWT3_AreaMarkerTilesLocation"] = SAWT3_AreaMarkerTilesLocation; var l = L.tileLayer(SAWT3_AreaMarkerTilesLocation + "{z}/{x}/{y}.png", this.areaLayeroptions); l.setZIndex(10); l.on("tileload", G); l.on("tileunload", z); this.areaMarkerLayer = l } if (typeof SAWT3_WebcamDescriptorsLocation != "undefined") { this.SAWT["SAWT3_WebcamDescriptorsLocation"] = SAWT3_WebcamDescriptorsLocation; ce() } if (typeof SAWT3_TripTimeMarkersLocation != "undefined") { this.SAWT["SAWT3_TripTimeMarkersLocation"] = SAWT3_TripTimeMarkersLocation; We() } this.SAWT["SAWT3_MarkerDescriptorsLocation"] = SAWT3_MarkerDescriptorsLocation; if (typeof SAWT3_RealTimeTrafficEventsLocation != "undefined") { this.SAWT["SAWT3_RealTimeTrafficEventsLocation"] = SAWT3_RealTimeTrafficEventsLocation; this.informationMarkerGroup = new L.FeatureGroup; this.disruptionsMarkerGroup = new L.FeatureGroup; this.waitingTimeMarkerGroup = new L.FeatureGroup; ye(); if (C.trafficLayer == "realTime") m() } if (this.displayTrafficAlerts && typeof SAWT3_RealTimeTrafficAlertsLocation != "undefined") { this.SAWT["SAWT3_RealTimeTrafficAlertsLocation"] = SAWT3_RealTimeTrafficAlertsLocation; Oe() } if (this.enableSegmentRollOver) { this.enableSegmentRollOver = WT3_LoadGeoJsonSegmentGeometry() } if (this.enableSegmentRollOver && typeof SAWT3_SegmentRollOverGeoJsonGeometryLocation != "undefined") { this.SAWT["SAWT3_SegmentRollOverGeoJsonGeometryLocation"] = SAWT3_SegmentRollOverGeoJsonGeometryLocation; WT3_LoadGeoJsonSegmentGeometry() } this.heartBeat = setInterval(this.refreshMapData, 1e3); f(true) }; this.Map.prototype.getZoomLevel = function(e) { this.mapObject.getZoom() }; this.Map.prototype.setZoomLevel = function(e) { this.mapObject.setZoom(e) }; this.Map.prototype.getPosition = function() { return this.mapObject.getCenter() }; this.Map.prototype.setPosition = function(e, t) { this.mapObject.panTo(L.latLng([t, e])) }; this.Map.prototype.setView = function(e, t, a) { this.mapObject.setView(L.latLng([t, e]), a) }; this.Map.prototype.enablePOI = function(e) { switch (e) { case "information": t(); break; case "disruptions": i(); break; case "waitingTimes": m(); break; case "exits": s(); break; case "areas": v(); break; case "webcams": l(); break; case "tripTimes": T(); break; case "forecasts": u(); break; case "weatherForecast": d(); break; default: break } }; this.Map.prototype.disablePOI = function(e) { switch (e) { case "information": a(); break; case "disruptions": r(); break; case "waitingTimes": o(); break; case "exits": c(); break; case "areas": g(); break; case "webcams": p(); break; case "weatherForcasts": h(); break; case "tripTimes": b(); break; case "forecasts": n(); default: break } }; this.Map.prototype.setMouseEnabled = function(e) { if (e) { this.mapObject.dragging.enable(); this.mapObject.touchZoom.enable(); this.mapObject.doubleClickZoom.enable(); this.mapObject.scrollWheelZoom.enable(); this.mapObject.boxZoom.enable(); this.mapObject.keyboard.enable(); if (this.mapObject.tap) this.mapObject.tap.enable() } else { this.mapObject.dragging.disable(); this.mapObject.touchZoom.disable(); this.mapObject.doubleClickZoom.disable(); this.mapObject.scrollWheelZoom.disable(); this.mapObject.boxZoom.disable(); this.mapObject.keyboard.disable(); if (this.mapObject.tap) this.mapObject.tap.disable() } }; this.Map.prototype.hideUI = function() { var e = document.createElement("style"); e.id = "hiddenControlsStyleSheet"; e.innerHTML = ".leaflet-control-container { visibility:hidden; }"; document.body.appendChild(e) }; this.Map.prototype.showUI = function() { var e = document.getElementById("hiddenControlsStyleSheet"); if (e) { document.body.removeChild(e) } }; this.Map.prototype.resize = function(e, t) { this.div.style.width = e; this.div.style.height = t }; this.Map.prototype.openFullScreen = function() { if (!C.fullScreen) S() }; this.Map.prototype.leafletVersion = function() { return L.version }; this.Map.prototype.mapTitle = function() { if (this.menuBar.title) { return this.menuBar.title } }; this.Map.prototype.setMapTitle = function(e) { if (this.menuBar.title) { this.menuBar.setTitle(e) } }; this.Map.prototype.clearPois = function() { this.areas.length = 0; this.exits.length = 0; this.clearWebcams(); this.clearTripTimes() }; this.Map.prototype.clearWebcams = function() { this.webcams.length = 0; this.webcamData = 0; this.webcamMarkerGroups.forEach(function(e) { e.clearLayers() }); this.webcamMarkerGroups.length = 0; this.webcamsLoaded = false }; this.Map.prototype.clearWeatherForcasts = function() { this.weatherForcast.length = 0; this.weatherForcastData = 0; this.weatherForcastMarkerGroups.clearLayers(); this.weatherForcastLoaded = false }; this.Map.prototype.clearEvents = function() { this.disruptions.length = 0; this.information.length = 0; this.waitingTimes.length = 0; this.informationMarkerGroup.clearLayers(); this.disruptionsMarkerGroup.clearLayers(); this.waitingTimeMarkerGroup.clearLayers() }; this.Map.prototype.clearTrafficAlerts = function() { this.trafficAlerts.length = 0 }; this.Map.prototype.clearTripTimes = function() { this.tripTimes.length = 0 }; this.Map.prototype.setTrafficForecastDateTime = function(e) { if (typeof this.ClickTimeoutPrevent == "undefined") { this.ClickTimeoutPrevent = 0 } if (e >= C.trafficForecastMinDate && e <= C.trafficForecastMaxDate) { var t = new Date; t.setMinutes(0); t.setSeconds(0); t.setHours(t.getHours() + 1); if (e < t) { e = t } this.trafficForecastDateTime = e; C.menuBar.setSubTitle(getLabelForLocale("trafficForecastFor", C.language) + formatDateTime(e, C.language)); if (typeof preventLoadTimeOut != "undefined") { clearTimeout(preventLoadTimeOut) } preventLoadTimeOut = setTimeout(function() { WT3_LoadTrafficForecastTiles(); WT3_LoadTrafficForecastSections(); WT3_LoadTrafficForecastChartData() }, this.ClickTimeoutPrevent); this.ClickTimeoutPrevent = 750; if (C.onTrafficForecastDateTimeChange) { C.onTrafficForecastDateTimeChange() } if (C.displayTrafficForecastDateButton) { L.appendChildToButtonInCustomControlBar("openForecastDateSelectScreen", Qe(), false) } if (C.displayTrafficForecastTimeButtons) { L.appendChildToButtonInCustomControlBar("trafficForecastTimeSlide", et(), false) } } else { if (C.trafficForecastSectionsLoaded) { qe() } } }; this.Map.prototype.refreshMapData = function(e) { if (e || typeof C.lastHeartBeat == "undefined" || !C.lastHeartBeat || Date.now() - C.lastHeartBeat > C.refreshTime * 1e3) { console.log("Refresh", C.lastHeartBeat, Date.now(), Date.now() - C.lastHeartBeat); C.lastHeartBeat = Date.now() - 15e4; if (C.updateTimer) { clearInterval(C.updateTimer); C.updateTimer = false } C.refreshToken = SAWT3_RefreshToken; var t = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var a = document.getElementById("WT3_RefreshScript"); if (a) { t.removeChild(a) } var i = document.createElement("script"); i.src = WT3_authenticationURL + "/?refresh=Y&keysign=" + WT3_keySign + "&div=" + C.div.id + "&ts=" + Date.now(); 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C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.labelLayer); var a = L.tileLayer(SAWT3_LabelsTilesLocation + "{z}/{x}/{y}.png", C.labelsLayerOptions); a.setZIndex(30); a.addTo(C.mapObject); C.labelLayer = a } if (typeof SAWT3_ExitMarkerTilesLocation != "undefined" && C.SAWT["SAWT3_ExitMarkerTilesLocation"] && C.SAWT["SAWT3_ExitMarkerTilesLocation"] != SAWT3_ExitMarkerTilesLocation) { C.SAWT["SAWT3_ExitMarkerTilesLocation"] = SAWT3_ExitMarkerTilesLocation; var i = L.tileLayer(SAWT3_ExitMarkerTilesLocation + "{z}/{x}/{y}.png", C.exitLayerOptions); i.setZIndex(40); i.on("tileload", G); i.on("tileunload", z); if (C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.exitMarkerLayer)) { C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.exitMarkerLayer); C.mapObject.addLayer(i) } C.exitMarkerLayer = i } if (typeof SAWT3_AreaMarkerTilesLocation != "undefined" && C.SAWT["SAWT3_AreaMarkerTilesLocation"] && C.SAWT["SAWT3_AreaMarkerTilesLocation"] != SAWT3_AreaMarkerTilesLocation) { C.SAWT["SAWT3_AreaMarkerTilesLocation"] = SAWT3_AreaMarkerTilesLocation; var r = L.tileLayer(SAWT3_AreaMarkerTilesLocation + "{z}/{x}/{y}.png", C.areaMarkerOptions); 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Oe() } if (typeof SAWT3_WebcamDescriptorsLocation != "undefined" && C.SAWT["SAWT3_WebcamDescriptorsLocation"] && C.SAWT["SAWT3_WebcamDescriptorsLocation"] != SAWT3_WebcamDescriptorsLocation) { C.SAWT["SAWT3_WebcamDescriptorsLocation"] = SAWT3_WebcamDescriptorsLocation; C.clearWebcams(); ce() } if (typeof SAWT3_TripTimeMarkersLocation != "undefined" && C.SAWT["SAWT3_TripTimeMarkersLocation"] && C.SAWT["SAWT3_TripTimeMarkersLocation"] != SAWT3_TripTimeMarkersLocation) { C.SAWT["SAWT3_TripTimeMarkersLocation"] = SAWT3_TripTimeMarkersLocation; C.clearTripTimes(); We() } switch (C.trafficLayer) { case "forecast": WT3_LoadTrafficForecastSections(); if (typeof C.trafficForecastDateTime == "undefined") { qe() } u(); break; case "neutral": C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.trafficStateLayer); C.trafficStateLayerOptions = { maxZoom: C.maxZoom, minZoom: C.minZoom, detectRetina: false, updateWhenZooming: true }; if (typeof SAWT3_NeutralRoadLayoutLocation == "undefined") { SAWT3_NeutralRoadLayoutLocation = "//maptiles.autoroutes-trafic.fr/neutralRoadLayout/" } if (typeof SAWT3_NeutralRoadLayoutLocation != "undefined" && C.displayTrafficState) { C.SAWT["SAWT3_NeutralRoadLayoutLocation"] = SAWT3_NeutralRoadLayoutLocation; var o; o = L.tileLayer(SAWT3_NeutralRoadLayoutLocation + "{z}/{x}/{y}.png", C.trafficStateLayerOptions); o.setZIndex(20); o.addTo(C.mapObject); C.trafficStateLayer = o } break; default: C.trafficStateLayerOptions = { maxZoom: C.maxZoom, minZoom: C.minZoom, detectRetina: false, updateWhenZooming: true }; if (typeof SAWT3_RealTimeTrafficStateTilesLocation != "undefined" && C.displayTrafficState) { C.SAWT["SAWT3_RealTimeTrafficStateTilesLocation"] = SAWT3_RealTimeTrafficStateTilesLocation; C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.trafficStateLayer); var o; o = L.tileLayer(SAWT3_RealTimeTrafficStateTilesLocation + "{z}/{x}/{y}.png", C.trafficStateLayerOptions); o.setZIndex(20); o.addTo(C.mapObject); C.trafficStateLayer = o } } if (typeof SAWT3_SegmentRollOverPopupDataLocation != "undefined" && C.enableSegmentRollOver) { C.SAWT["SAWT3_SegmentRollOverPopupDataLocation"] = SAWT3_SegmentRollOverPopupDataLocation; WT3_LoadSegmentRollOverPopupData() } C.refreshToken = SAWT3_RefreshToken; f(true) } else { if (Date.now() - C.lastHeartBeat > 175e3) { clearInterval(C.updateTimer); C.updateTimer = false; C.lastHeartBeat = Date.now() - 15e4; f(false) } } }; var f = function(e) { if (C.updateErrorPopin) { C.updateErrorPopin.remove(); C.updateErrorPopin = false } if (e) { if (typeof SAWT3_RealTimeTrafficStateTilesLocation != "undefined" && !SAWT3_RealTimeTrafficStateTilesLocation) { throw new Error("No time token set for Real Time Traffic Tiles Location, unable to get the data update date time") } else { if (typeof lastUpdateDateTime != "undefined") { lastUpdateDateTime = false } var a; var t = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var i = document.getElementById("WT3_GetLastUpdateDateTimeScript"); if (i) { t.removeChild(i) } var r = document.createElement("script"); r.src = SAWT3_RealTimeTrafficStateTilesLocation + "info.js"; r.charset = "UTF-8"; r.type = "text/javascript"; r.id = "WT3_GetLastUpdateDateTimeScript"; r.async = true; t.appendChild(r); var o = function() { if (typeof lastUpdateDateTime != "undefined" && lastUpdateDateTime) { if (typeof lastUpdateTimeOffset == "undefined") { lastUpdateTimeOffset = "+02:00" } C.lastUpdateDateTime = new Date(lastUpdateDateTime + lastUpdateTimeOffset); 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if (!C.updateError) { if (C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.trafficStateLayer)) C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.trafficStateLayer); if (C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.informationMarkerGroup)) C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.informationMarkerGroup); if (C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.disruptionMarkerGroup)) C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.disruptionMarkerGroup); if (C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.tripTimeMarkerGroup)) C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.tripTimeMarkerGroup); if (C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.waitingTimeMarkerGroup)) C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.waitingTimeMarkerGroup); if (C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.webcamMarkerGroups[C.mapObject.getZoom()])) C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.webcamMarkerGroups[C.mapObject.getZoom()]); if (!C.updateErrorPopin) { var n = L.popin({ title: getLabelForLocale("updateErrorPopinTitle", C.language), className: "update-error", closeButton: false }).addTo(C.mapObject); C.updateErrorPopin = n; var s = document.createElement("h2"); s.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("updateErrorPopinNetwork", C.language); s.className = "update-error"; 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function t() { C.informationOn = true; C.mapObject.closePopup(); we(); C.mapObject.addLayer(C.informationMarkerGroup); if (C.displayEventsButtonBar) L.activateButtonInCustomControlBar("information") } function a() { C.informationOn = false; if (C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.informationMarkerGroup)) C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.informationMarkerGroup); if (C.displayEventsButtonBar) L.desactivateButtonInCustomControlBar("information") } function i() { C.disruptionsOn = true; C.mapObject.closePopup(); C.mapObject.addLayer(C.disruptionsMarkerGroup); if (C.displayEventsButtonBar) L.activateButtonInCustomControlBar("disruptions") } function r() { C.disruptionsOn = false; if (C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.disruptionsMarkerGroup)) C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.disruptionsMarkerGroup); if (C.displayEventsButtonBar) L.desactivateButtonInCustomControlBar("disruptions") } function m() { C.waitingTimesOn = true; C.mapObject.closePopup(); C.mapObject.addLayer(C.waitingTimeMarkerGroup) } function o() { C.waitingTimesOn = false; C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.waitingTimeMarkerGroup) } function u() { if (C.displayTrafficForecastButton) { L.activateButtonInCustomControlBar("forecasts"); C.mapObject.closePopup() } if (!C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.trafficForecastMarkers[C.mapObject.getZoom() - C.minZoom])) { C.mapObject.closePopup(); C.mapObject.addLayer(C.trafficForecastMarkers[C.mapObject.getZoom() - C.minZoom]) } } function n() { if (C.displayTrafficForecastButton) { L.desactivateButtonInCustomControlBar("forecasts") } if (C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.trafficForecastMarkers[C.mapObject.getZoom() - C.minZoom])) { C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.trafficForecastMarkers[C.mapObject.getZoom() - C.minZoom]) } } function s() { C.exitsOn = true; C.mapObject.closePopup(); p(); g(); C.mapObject.addLayer(C.exitMarkerLayer); if (C.displayExitsButton) L.activateButtonInCustomControlBar("exits") } function c() { C.exitsOn = false; if (C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.exitMarkerLayer)) C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.exitMarkerLayer); if (C.displayExitsButton) L.desactivateButtonInCustomControlBar("exits") } function l() { if (!C.webcamsOn) { C.mapObject.closePopup(); c(); g(); if (!C.webcamMarkerGroups[C.mapObject.getZoom()]) { ce() } else { C.mapObject.addLayer(C.webcamMarkerGroups[C.mapObject.getZoom()]) } if (C.displayWebcamsButton) L.activateButtonInCustomControlBar("webcams"); C.webcamsOn = true } } function p() { if (C.webcamsOn) { if (C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.webcamMarkerGroups[C.mapObject.getZoom()])) C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.webcamMarkerGroups[C.mapObject.getZoom()]); if (C.displayWebcamsButton) L.desactivateButtonInCustomControlBar("webcams") } C.webcamsOn = false } function d() { if (!C.weatherForcastOn) { C.mapObject.closePopup(); c(); g(); if (!C.weatherForcastMarkerGroups) { ue() } else { C.mapObject.addLayer(C.weatherForcastMarkerGroups) } if (C.displayWeatherForcastButton) L.activateButtonInCustomControlBar("weatherForcast"); C.weatherForcastOn = true } } function h() { if (C.weatherForcastOn) { if (C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.weatherForcastMarkerGroups)) C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.weatherForcastMarkerGroups); if (C.displayWeatherForcastButton) L.desactivateButtonInCustomControlBar("weatherForcast") } C.weatherForcastOn = false } function v() { C.areasOn = true; C.mapObject.closePopup(); p(); c(); C.mapObject.addLayer(C.areaMarkerLayer); if (C.displayAreasButton) L.activateButtonInCustomControlBar("areas") } function g() { C.areasOn = false; if (C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.areaMarkerLayer)) C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.areaMarkerLayer); if (C.displayAreasButton) L.desactivateButtonInCustomControlBar("areas") } function T() { if (!C.tripTimesOn) { C.mapObject.addLayer(C.tripTimeMarkerGroup); C.tripTimesOn = true } } function b() { if (C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.tripTimeMarkerGroup)) { C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.tripTimeMarkerGroup) } C.tripTimesOn = false } function e() { Pe() } function y() { C.mapObject.locate({ setView: true, maxZoom: 12 }) } function S() { if (C.fullScreenToggle) { document.location.href = C.fullScreenToggle } } function F() { if (!L.buttonInCustomControlBarIsActivated("information")) { t() } else { a() } } function k() { if (!L.buttonInCustomControlBarIsActivated("disruptions")) { i() } else { r() } } function w() { if (!L.buttonInCustomControlBarIsActivated("exits")) { s() } else { c() } } function D() { if (!L.buttonInCustomControlBarIsActivated("webcams")) { l() } else { p() } } function M() { if (!L.buttonInCustomControlBarIsActivated("areas")) { v() } else { g() } } function A() { if (!L.buttonInCustomControlBarIsActivated("forecasts")) { u() } else { n() } } function _() { y() } function O() { S() } function B() { e() } function W() { qe() } function I() { Ue() } function N(e) { var t = Y(); if (t) { var a = J(e, t); if (a) { a.openPopup() } } } function j(e) { var t = Y(); if (t) { if (V(e, t)) { C.mapObject.getContainer().style.cursor = "pointer" } else { C.mapObject.getContainer().style.cursor = "" } } } function E(e) { delete C.openedPopupPoi } function x(e) { C.mapObject.closePopup(); if (C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.webcamMarkerGroups[e.target.getZoom()])) { C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.webcamMarkerGroups[e.target.getZoom()]) } } function P(e) { we(); De(); Me(); ce(); if (C.displayTrafficAlerts) { Be() } if (C.displayTrafficForecast) { WT3_LoadTrafficForecastSections() } } function Z(e) { var t = C.markerIconSizes["incident"][0]; re(); var a = t != C.markerIconSizes["incident"][0]; if (a) { Se(); Fe(); ke(); He(); me(); WT3_ClearAndReloadTrafficForecastMarkers(); resizeTrafficForecastChartBars(); if (C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.userLocationMarker)) { var i = C.userLocationMarker.getLatLng(); C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.userLocationMarker); C.userLocationMarker = L.marker(i, { icon: userLocationIcon(C.markerIconSizes["userLocation"]) }); C.userLocationMarker.addTo(C.mapObject) } } if (C.trafficLayer == "forecast") { Xe() } } function H(e) { if (C.userLocationMarker) { C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.userLocationMarker); C.userLocationMarker = null } C.userLocationMarker = L.marker(e.latlng, { icon: userLocationIcon(C.markerIconSizes["userLocation"]) }); C.userLocationMarker.addTo(C.mapObject) } function R(e) { alert(getLabelForLocale("geolocationError", C.language)); if (C.userLocationMarker) { C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.userLocationMarker); C.userLocationMarker = null } if (C.displayUserLocationButton) L.desactivateButtonInCustomControlBar("userLocation") } function G(e) { var t = X(e.tile.src); if (t) { if (!C.areas[t] && !C.exits[t]) { oe(t) } } } function z(e) { var t = X(e.tile.src); if (t) { if (C.areas[t]) { delete C.areas[t] } if (C.exits[t]) { delete C.exits[t]; delete C.exits[t] } } } var U = function(e) { this.name = e[3]; this.type = e[2]; this.latlng = L.latLng(e[0]); this.offset = e[1]; this.properties = e[4] }; U.prototype.openPopup = function() { var e = this.properties.roadname ? this.properties.roadname : ""; switch (this.type) { case "EC": var t = this.properties.numero ? " " + getLabelForLocale("abbreviatedNumber", C.language) + this.properties.numero : ""; C.mapObject.openPopup("
" + e + " - " + getLabelForLocale("exit", C.language) + " " + t + "
" + this.name + "", this.latlng); break; case "BI": C.mapObject.openPopup("
" + getLabelForLocale("junction", C.language) + "
" + this.name + "", this.latlng); break; case "AR": C.mapObject.openPopup("
" + e + " - " + getLabelForLocale("restArea", C.language) + "
" + this.name + "", this.getDisplayCoords()); break; case "AS": C.mapObject.openPopup("
" + e + " - " + getLabelForLocale("serviceArea", C.language) + "
" + this.name + "", this.getDisplayCoords()); break; case "BA": C.mapObject.openPopup("
" + e + " - " + getLabelForLocale("toll", C.language) + "
" + this.name + "", this.latlng); break; default: C.mapObject.openPopup("
" + e + "
" + this.name + "", this.latlng); break } C.openedPopupPoi = this }; U.prototype.getDisplayCoords = function(e, t) { if (this.offset && this.latlng && C.poiOffsetScaleFactor) { var a = C.mapObject.project(this.latlng); a.x += this.offset[1] * C.poiOffsetScaleFactor; a.y += this.offset[0] * C.poiOffsetScaleFactor; return C.mapObject.unproject(a) } return }; var J = function(e, t) { var a = $(e.containerPoint); var i = q(e.latlng, t); var r = false; var o = []; if (C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.exitMarkerLayer) && C.exits[i] && C.exits[i].length > 0) { for (var n = 0; n < C.exits[i].length; ++n) { if (a.contains(C.exits[i][n].getDisplayCoords())) { o.push(C.exits[i][n]) } } } if (C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.areaMarkerLayer) && C.areas[i] && C.areas[i].length > 0) { for (var n = 0; n < C.areas[i].length; ++n) { if (a.contains(C.areas[i][n].getDisplayCoords())) { o.push(C.areas[i][n]) } } } if (o.length > 0) { var s = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY; for (var c = 0; c < o.length; ++c) { var l = o[c].getDisplayCoords().distanceTo(e.latlng); if (l < s) { r = o[c]; s = l } } } return r }; var V = function(e, t) { var a = $(e.containerPoint); var i = q(e.latlng, t); if (C.areasOn && C.areas[i] && C.areas[i].length > 0) { for (var r = 0; r < C.areas[i].length; ++r) { if (C.areas[i][r] && a.contains(C.areas[i][r].getDisplayCoords())) { return true } } } if (C.exitsOn && C.exits[i] && C.exits[i].length > 0) { for (var r = 0; r < C.exits[i].length; ++r) { if (C.exits[i][r] && a.contains(C.exits[i][r].getDisplayCoords())) { return true } } } return false }; var $ = function(e) { var t = C.mapObject.containerPointToLatLng([e.x - C.mapObject.options.poiLookupAreaFactor, e.y - C.mapObject.options.poiLookupAreaFactor]); var a = C.mapObject.containerPointToLatLng([e.x + 2 * C.mapObject.options.poiLookupAreaFactor, e.y + C.mapObject.options.poiLookupAreaFactor]); return L.latLngBounds(t, a) }; var Y = function() { if (C.areasOn) { return C.areaMarkerLayer } if (C.exitsOn) { return C.exitMarkerLayer } return }; function q(e, t) { var a = C.mapObject.getZoom(); if (L.Browser.retina && C.mapObject.hasLayer(t) && t.options.detectRetina) { ++a } var i = C.mapObject.project(e).divideBy(t.options.tileSize).floor(); return "" + a + "/" + i.x + "/" + i.y } function X(e) { if (typeof e == "string" && e.search(".") > -1) { var t = []; var a = e.length - 1; while (t.length < 3 && a >= 0) { if (e.charAt(a) == "/") { t.push(a) }--a } if (t.length == 3) { return e.substring(t[2] + 1, e.lastIndexOf(".")) } } return false } function K(e) { return this.latlng.distanceTo(e.latlng) } var Q = function(e) { this.type = ee(e[1]); this.nature = te(e[1]); this.horodate = e[2]; this.messages = e[3]; this.coords = e[0] }; Q.prototype.getMessage = function(e) { if (this.messages[e]) { return this.messages[e] } else { return this.messages["FR"] ? this.messages["FR"] : "" } }; Q.prototype.getDisplayCoords = function() { var e = this.coords[C.mapObject.getZoom()]; if (e && e[0] && e[1]) { var t = C.mapObject.project(L.latLng(e[0])); t.x += e[1][0] * (C.markerIconSizes[this.nature][0] / 2); t.y -= e[1][1] * (C.markerIconSizes[this.nature][1] / 2); return C.mapObject.unproject(t) } return }; function ee(e) { switch (e) { case "TR": case "IF": return "information"; case "IN": case "BO": case "AC": case "CO": return "disruption"; case "AA": case "AP": return "waitingTime"; default: return "" } } function te(e) { switch (e) { case "TR": return "roadworks"; case "IF": return "information"; case "IN": return "incident"; case "BO": return "trafficJam"; case "AC": return "accident"; case "CO": return "closure"; case "AA": return "retentionArea"; case "AP": return "tollWaitingTime"; default: return "" } } var ae = function(e) { this.type = ee(e[1]); this.nature = te(e[1]); this.label = e[2]; this.state = e[4]; this.duration = e[3]; this.coords = e[0] }; ae.prototype.getDisplayCoords = function() { var e = this.coords[C.mapObject.getZoom()]; if (e && e[0] && e[1]) { var t = C.mapObject.project(L.latLng(e[0])); t.x += e[1][0] * (C.markerIconSizes[this.nature][0] / 2); t.y -= e[1][1] * (C.markerIconSizes[this.nature][1] / 2); return C.mapObject.unproject(t) } return }; var ie = function(e) { this.latLngBounds = L.latLngBounds(e[0]); this.horodate = e[1]; this.title = htmlDecode(e[2]); this.message = htmlDecode(e[3]); this.language = e[4].toUpperCase() }; function re() { var e = L.marker([0, 0]).addTo(C.mapObject); var t = L.divIcon({ iconSize: null }); t.options.className = "information-icon-class"; e.setIcon(t); C.markerIconSizes["information"] = [e._icon.clientWidth, e._icon.clientHeight]; t.options.className = "roadworks-icon-class"; e.setIcon(t); C.markerIconSizes["roadworks"] = [e._icon.clientWidth, e._icon.clientHeight]; t.options.className = "incident-icon-class"; e.setIcon(t); C.markerIconSizes["incident"] = [e._icon.clientWidth, e._icon.clientHeight]; t.options.className = "accident-icon-class"; e.setIcon(t); C.markerIconSizes["accident"] = [e._icon.clientWidth, e._icon.clientHeight]; t.options.className = "closure-icon-class"; e.setIcon(t); C.markerIconSizes["closure"] = [e._icon.clientWidth, e._icon.clientHeight]; t.options.className = "trafficjam-icon-class"; e.setIcon(t); C.markerIconSizes["trafficJam"] = [e._icon.clientWidth, e._icon.clientHeight]; t.options.className = "webcam-icon-class"; e.setIcon(t); C.markerIconSizes["webcam"] = [e._icon.clientWidth, e._icon.clientHeight]; t.options.className = "triptime-icon-class"; e.setIcon(t); C.markerIconSizes["tripTime"] = [e._icon.clientWidth, e._icon.clientHeight]; t.options.className = "retentionarea-icon-class"; e.setIcon(t); C.markerIconSizes["retentionArea"] = [e._icon.clientWidth, e._icon.clientHeight]; t.options.className = "tollwaitingtime-icon-class"; e.setIcon(t); C.markerIconSizes["tollWaitingTime"] = [e._icon.clientWidth, e._icon.clientHeight]; t.options.className = "userlocation-icon-class"; e.setIcon(t); C.markerIconSizes["userLocation"] = [e._icon.clientWidth, e._icon.clientHeight]; t.options.className = "forecast-icon-class"; e.setIcon(t); C.markerIconSizes["forecast"] = [e._icon.clientWidth, e._icon.clientHeight]; t.options.className = "weatherForcast-icon-class"; e.setIcon(t); C.markerIconSizes["weatherForcast"] = [e._icon.clientWidth, e._icon.clientHeight]; C.mapObject.removeLayer(e) } function oe(e) { if (typeof SAWT3_MarkerDescriptorsLocation != "undefined") { var t = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var a = document.getElementById("WT3_" + e + "TileScript"); if (a) { t.removeChild(a) } var i = SAWT3_MarkerDescriptorsLocation + e + ".js"; var r = document.createElement("script"); r.src = i; r.charset = "UTF-8"; r.type = "text/javascript"; r.id = "WT3_" + e + "TileScript"; t.appendChild(r) } } this.parseMarkerDescriptors = function(e, t) { if (e && t) { var a = []; var i = []; for (var r = 0; r < e.length; ++r) { var o = new U(e[r]); if (o) { if (o.type == "AS" || o.type == "AR") { a.push(o) } if (o.type == "EC" || o.type == "BI" || o.type == "BA" || o.type == "LI" || o.type == "PO") { i.push(o) } } } C.areas[t] = a; C.exits[t] = i } e = 0 }; function ne() { if (typeof SAWT3_ExitMarkerTilesLocation != "undefined") { exitMarkerLayer = L.tileLayer(SAWT3_ExitMarkerTilesLocation + "{z}/{x}/{y}.png", { maxZoom: C.mapObject.getMaxZoom(), minZoom: C.mapObject.getMinZoom(), detectRetina: false, updateWhenZooming: true }); exitMarkerLayer.setZIndex(40); exitMarkerLayer.on("tileload", G); exitMarkerLayer.on("tileunload", z); exitMarkerGroup.addLayer(exitMarkerLayer) } } function se() { if (typeof SAWT3_AreaMarkerTilesLocation != "undefined") { areaMarkerLayer = L.tileLayer(SAWT3_AreaMarkerTilesLocation + "{z}/{x}/{y}.png", { maxZoom: C.mapObject.getMaxZoom(), minZoom: C.mapObject.getMinZoom(), detectRetina: false, updateWhenZooming: true }); areaMarkerLayer.setZIndex(10); areaMarkerLayer.on("tileload", G); areaMarkerLayer.on("tileunload", z); areaMarkerGroup.addLayer(areaMarkerLayer) } } function ce() { if (C && typeof SAWT3_WebcamDescriptorsLocation != "undefined") { if (!C.webcamsLoading && !C.webcamsLoaded) { C.webcamsLoading = true; var e = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var t = document.getElementById("WT3_WebcamScript"); if (t) { e.removeChild(t) } var a = document.createElement("script"); a.src = SAWT3_WebcamDescriptorsLocation + "webcams.js"; a.charset = "UTF-8"; a.type = "text/javascript"; a.id = "WT3_WebcamScript"; a.async = true; e.appendChild(a) } else if (!C.webcamMarkerGroups[C.mapObject.getZoom()] || C.webcamMarkerGroups[C.mapObject.getZoom()].length == 0) { at.parseWebcams(C.webcamData) } else if (C.webcamsOn) { C.mapObject.addLayer(C.webcamMarkerGroups[C.mapObject.getZoom()]) } } } this.parseWebcams = function(e) { C.webcamsLoading = false; C.webcamData = e; if (e) { var t = C.mapObject.getZoom(); for (var a = 0; a < e.length; ++a) { var i = new U(e[a]); if (i) { var r = ""; if (!C.webcams[t]) C.webcams[t] = []; if (!C.webcamMarkerGroups[t]) C.webcamMarkerGroups[t] = new L.FeatureGroup; if (Object.keys(C.webcams[t]).length > 0) { for (var o = 0; o < Object.keys(C.webcams[t]).length; ++o) { var n = Object.keys(C.webcams[t])[o].split(","); var s = L.latLng(n[1], n[2]); var c = C.mapObject.project(s).x - C.mapObject.project(i.latlng).x; var l = C.mapObject.project(s).y - C.mapObject.project(i.latlng).y; if (Math.abs(c) < 2 * C.markerIconSizes["webcam"][0] / 3 && Math.abs(l) < 2 * C.markerIconSizes["webcam"][1] / 3 && i.properties.group == n[0]) { r = Object.keys(C.webcams[t])[o]; break } } } if (!r) r = i.properties.group + "," + i.latlng.lat + "," + i.latlng.lng; var f = C.webcams[t][r]; if (!f) { f = L.marker(i.latlng, { clusterKey: r, zoomLevel: t, webcams: [], group: i.properties.group }); C.webcamMarkerGroups[t].addLayer(f); C.webcams[t][r] = f; f.on("click", function() { var e = this.options.group; var t = document.createElement("span"); t.className = "webcam-count"; t.innerHTML = " (" + this.options.webcams.length + " webcam"; if (this.options.webcams.length > 1) { t.innerHTML += "s" } t.innerHTML += ")"; var a = L.popin({ title: e, className: "webcam" }).addTo(C.mapObject); a._titleSpan.appendChild(t); var i = document.createElement("ul"); i.className = "webcam"; for (var r = 0; r < this.options.webcams.length; ++r) { var o = document.createElement("li"); o.className = "webcam"; var n = document.createElement("div"); n.className = "webcam-thumbnail"; o.appendChild(n); var s = document.createElement("p"); s.className = "webcam-description"; s.innerHTML = this.options.webcams[r].name; o.appendChild(s); if (this.options.webcams[r].properties.thumbnail && this.options.webcams[r].properties.thumbnail != "") { var c = document.createElement("img"); c.src = this.options.webcams[r].properties.thumbnail; c.alt = ""; c.className = "webcam-thumbnail"; n.appendChild(c); playWebcamOverlayP = document.createElement("p"); playWebcamOverlayP.className = "webcam-overlay"; n.appendChild(playWebcamOverlayP); o.id = this.options.webcams[r].properties.id; o.onclick = function() { le(this.id, a) } } else { n.classList.add("disabled"); s.classList.add("disabled") } i.appendChild(o) } a.addContent(i) }, false) } f.options.webcams.push(i) } } C.webcamMarkerGroups[t].eachLayer(function(e) { e.setIcon(webcamIcon(C.markerIconSizes["webcam"], e.options.webcams.length)) }); if (C.webcamsOn) C.mapObject.addLayer(C.webcamMarkerGroups[t]); C.webcamsLoaded = true } }; var le = function(e, t) { var a; for (var i = 0; i < C.webcamData.length; ++i) { if (C.webcamData[i][4].id == e) { a = new U(C.webcamData[i]); break } } if (a) { var r = document.getElementById("webcamPlayer"); if (!r) { gtag("event", "webcam-view", { menu_item_name: a.properties.group, menu_item_url: window.location.href }); var o = L.popin({ title: a.properties.group, className: "webcam", parentPopin: t, backToDisplayText: getLabelForLocale("backToWebcamList", C.language) }); o.addTo(C.mapObject); r = document.createElement("div"); r.className = "webcam-player"; o.addContent(r); var n = document.createElement("h2"); n.innerHTML = a.name; r.appendChild(n); if (Date.now() - a.properties.lastUpdate * 1e3 < 30 * 60 * 1e3) { var s = document.createElement("video"); s.src = a.properties.url; s.onerror = function() { fe(r) }; s.onclick = function(e) {}; s.controls = true; s.play(); s.loop = true; if (a.properties.displayTime == 1) { var c = document.createElement("div"); c.className = "webcam-time"; c.innerHTML = formatDateTime(new Date(a.properties.lastUpdate * 1e3), C.language); r.appendChild(c) } r.appendChild(s); var l = s.clientHeight; var f = setInterval(function() { if (s.clientHeight != l) { l = s.clientHeight; s.currentTime -= .1 } }, 100); o.timer = f } else { fe(r) } } } else { throw new Error("Unkown webcam id") } }; var fe = function(e) { var t = document.createElement("div"); t.id = "webcamError"; t.className = "webcam-error"; t.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("webcamError", C.language); e.appendChild(t) }; function me() { C.clearWebcams(); ce() } function ue() { var e = false; if (typeof C.weatherForcastCurrentSlot == "undefined" || C.weatherForcastCurrentSlot == null) pe(); if (C && (typeof SAWT3_WeatherForcastDescriptorsLocation != "undefined" || e)) { if (!C.weatherForcastLoading && !C.weatherForcastLoaded) { C.weatherForcastLoading = true; var t = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var a = document.getElementById("WT3_WeatherForcastScript"); if (a) { t.removeChild(a) } var i = document.createElement("script"); if (e) { i.src = "/weatherForecast-bug-198.js" } else { i.src = SAWT3_WeatherForcastDescriptorsLocation + "/weatherForecast.js" } i.charset = "UTF-8"; i.type = "text/javascript"; i.id = "WT3_WeatherForcastScript"; i.async = true; t.appendChild(i) } else if (!C.weatherForcastMarkerGroups || C.weatherForcastMarkerGroups.getLayers().length == 0) { at.parseWeatherForecasts(C.weatherForcastData) } else if (C.weatherForcastOn) { C.mapObject.addLayer(C.weatherForcastMarkerGroups) } } } var pe = function() { var e = false; if (typeof C != "undefined" && typeof C._weatherForcastRefreshCurrentSlotsInterval != "undefined") e = true; clearInterval(C._weatherForcastRefreshCurrentSlotsInterval); var t = new Date; C.weatherForcastCurrentSlot = null; var a = new Date; a.setHours(0); a.setMinutes(0); a.setSeconds(0); a.setMilliseconds(0); for (var i = 0; i < 48; i += 6) { var r = new Date; r.setTime(a.getTime() + i * 60 * 60 * 1e3); if (r > t && C.weatherForcastCurrentSlot == null) { C.weatherForcastCurrentSlot = r; if (C.weatherForcastCurrentSlot >= C.weatherForcastNextSlot) { C.weatherForcastCurrentSlot = C.weatherForcastNextSlot; var o = new Date; o.setTime(C.weatherForcastNextSlot.getTime() + 6 * 60 * 60 * 1e3); C.weatherForcastNextSlot = o; be() } var o = new Date; o.setTime(r.getTime() + 6 * 60 * 60 * 1e3); C.weatherForcastNextSlot = o; break } } if (e) C._weatherForcastRefreshCurrentSlotsInterval = setInterval(pe, 1e3) }; this.parseWeatherForecasts = function(e) { var t = null; C._weatherForcastRefreshCurrentSlotsInterval = setInterval(pe, 1e3); C.weatherForcastLoading = false; C.weatherForcastData = e; if (e) { de(C.weatherForcastData); var a = new Date(C.weatherForcastCurrentSlot); var i = C.language.toLowerCase() + "-" + C.language.toUpperCase(); C.menuBar.setSubTitle(getLabelForLocale("weatherForecastFor", C.language) + a.toLocaleDateString(i) + " " + a.toLocaleTimeString(i).replace(":00:00", getLabelForLocale("weatherForecastHourSuffix", C.language))); if (C.weatherForcastOn) C.mapObject.addLayer(C.weatherForcastMarkerGroups); C.weatherForcastLoaded = true; C.mapObject.on("move", ve); C.mapObject.on("zoomend", function() { C.weatherForcastMarkerGroups.clearLayers(); de(C.weatherForcastData) }); ve() } }; var de = function(e, t) { var a = C.mapObject.getZoom(); for (var i = 0; i < e.length; ++i) { var r = new U(e[i]); if (a <= r.properties.zoomMax && a >= r.properties.zoomMin) { if (r) { if (typeof C.weatherForcast == "undefined") C.weatherForcast = []; if (typeof C.weatherForcastMarkerGroups == "undefined") C.weatherForcastMarkerGroups = new L.FeatureGroup; C.weatherForcast = L.marker(r.latlng, { weatherForcast: r }); C.weatherForcast.on("click", function() { var e = this.options.group + " " + (new Date).toLocaleDateString(); var t = this.options.weatherForcast; var a = _translations[C.language].dates.weekdays[(new Date).getDay()] + " " + (new Date).getDate() + " " + _translations[C.language].dates.months[(new Date).getMonth()]; var i = L.popin({ title: e, className: "weather" }).addTo(C.mapObject); i.setTitle(t.name + ' ' + a + ""); var r = document.createElement("div"); r.className = "row"; var o = Te(t.properties.slots); r.innerHTML = o; i.addContent(r) }); C.weatherForcastMarkerGroups.addLayer(C.weatherForcast) } } } C.weatherForcastMarkerGroups.eachLayer(function(e) { var t = e.options.weatherForcast.properties.slots; var a = t[C.weatherForcastCurrentSlot.toSlotFormat()]; var i = a.sky; if (a.sky < 10) { i = "0" + i } e.setIcon(weatherForcastIcon(C.markerIconSizes["weatherForcast"], i, a.tempMin, a.tempMax, a.wind)) }) }; var he = function() { var t = C.mapObject.getZoom(); C.weatherForcastMarkerGroups.eachLayer(function(e) { if (t <= e.options.weatherForcast.properties.zoomMax && t >= e.options.weatherForcast.properties.zoomMin) { e.setOpacity(1) } else { e.remove() } }) }; var ve = function() { var e = C.mapObject.getZoom(); var s = ge(C.weatherForcastMarkerGroups, e); if (s.visible == false) { if (s.marker != C.weatherForcast.closest_marker) { var t = Te(s.marker.options.weatherForcast.properties.slots); t = '
' + _translations[C.language].nearestWheaterForecastMarker + '
' + s.marker.options.weatherForcast.name + "
" + t + "
"; var a = { autoPlacement: true, marginArrow: { top: 10, bottom: 10, left: 10, right: 10 }, height: 150, width: 208, base: 20, strenth: 130, background: "#FFF", borderThick: 0, borderColor: "#2d64b6", borderRadius: 0 }; var i = s.marker.bindSpeechBubble(t, a); i._speechbubble.addClass("weather"); i._speechbubble.addTo(C.mapObject); i._speechbubble._div.onclick = function(e) { { var t = s.marker.options.name + " " + (new Date).toLocaleDateString(); var a = s.marker.options.weatherForcast; var i = _translations[C.language].dates.weekdays[(new Date).getDay()] + " " + (new Date).getDate() + " " + _translations[C.language].dates.months[(new Date).getMonth()]; var r = L.popin({ title: t, className: "weather" }).addTo(C.mapObject); r.setTitle(a.name + ' ' + i + ""); var o = document.createElement("div"); o.className = "row"; var n = Te(a.properties.slots); o.innerHTML = n; r.addContent(o) } } } C.weatherForcast.closest_marker = s.marker } else { if (C.weatherForcast.closest_marker) C.mapObject.closeSpeechBubble(); C.weatherForcast.closest_marker = null } }; var ge = function(e, i) { if (typeof i == "undefined") i = null; var r = C.mapObject.getBounds(); var o = C.mapObject.getCenter(); var n = false; var s = null; var c = null; var l = null; e.eachLayer(function(e, t) { var a; if (s == null) { s = e._latlng.distanceTo(o); c = e; l = t } a = i == null || i <= e.options.weatherForcast.properties.zoomMax && i >= e.options.weatherForcast.properties.zoomMin; if (a) { n |= r.contains(e._latlng) } if (n == true) return; if (e._latlng.distanceTo(o) < s) { if (a) { s = e._latlng.distanceTo(o); c = e; l = t } } }); return { visible: n, marker: c } }; var Te = function(e) { var t = ""; var a = null; var i = 0; var r = C.language.toLowerCase() + "-" + C.language.toUpperCase(); for (slotName in e) { var o = e[slotName]; var n = new Date(slotName.replace(/^(\d{4})(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)$/, "$4:$5:00 $2/$3/$1")); n = new Date; n.setTime(Date.parse(slotName + lastUpdateTimeOffset)); a = n.toLocaleDateString(); var s = (new Date).toSlotFormat(); var c = "future"; if (n >= C.weatherForcastCurrentSlot) { if (n < C.weatherForcastNextSlot) { i++; c = "current slot--" + i } else { i++; c = "future slot--" + i } } else { c = "hidden" } var l = "0" + o.sky; l = l.substr(l.length - 2); t += ''; t += '"; t += ''; if (typeof o.tempMin == "undefined" && typeof o.tempMax == "undefined") { t += '' } else if (o.tempMin != o.tempMax) { t += '"; t += '" } else { t += '" } t += "" } t += "
' + n.getDate() + " " + _translations[C.language].dates.months[n.getMonth()] + '' + n.toLocaleTimeString(r).replace(":00:00", getLabelForLocale("weatherForecastHourSuffix", C.language)) + "
min: ' + o.tempMin + "C max: ' + o.tempMax + "C ' + o.tempMax + "C
"; return t; var t = ""; t += "
    "; var a = null; for (slotName in e) { var o = e[slotName]; var n = new Date(slotName.replace(/^(\d{4})(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)(\d\d)$/, "$4:$5:00 $2/$3/$1")); if (a != n.toLocaleDateString()) { if (a != null) { t += "
" } t += '
  • ' + n.toLocaleDateString() + '
      '; a = n.toLocaleDateString() } var s = new Date; var c = "future"; if (s >= n) { c = "hidden" } var l = "0" + o.sky; l = l.substr(l.length - 2); t += '
    • '; t += '
      ' + n.toTimeString().substr(0, 5) + "
      "; t += '
      '; if (o.tempMin != o.tempMax) { t += '
      min: ' + o.tempMin + "C
      "; t += '
      max: ' + o.tempMax + "C
      " } else { t += '
      ' + o.tempMax + "C
      " } t += "
    • " } t += "
    "; return t }; var Le = function(e) { var t = document.createElement("div"); t.id = "weatherForcastError"; t.className = "weatherForcast-error"; t.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("weatherForcastError", C.language); e.appendChild(t) }; function be() { C.clearWeatherForcasts(); ue() } function ye() { if (SAWT3_RealTimeTrafficEventsLocation != "undefined") { var e = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var t = document.getElementById("WT3_GetEventsScript"); if (t) { e.removeChild(t) } var a = document.createElement("script"); a.src = SAWT3_RealTimeTrafficEventsLocation + "/events.js"; a.id = "WT3_GetEventsScript"; a.charset = "UTF-8"; a.type = "text/javascript"; a.async = true; e.appendChild(a) } } this.parseEvents = function(e) { if (C) { if (e) { for (var t = 0; t < e.length; ++t) { if (e[t] && e[t][1]) { if (ee(e[t][1]) == "information") C.information.push(new Q(e[t])); if (ee(e[t][1]) == "disruption") C.disruptions.push(new Q(e[t])); if (ee(e[t][1]) == "waitingTime") { C.waitingTimes.push(new ae(e[t])) } } } Se(); Fe(); ke() } e = 0 } }; function Se() { for (var e = 0; e < C.maxZoom - C.minZoom; ++e) { while (C.informationMarkers[e].length > 0) { C.informationMarkers[e].pop() } } we() } function Fe() { for (var e = 0; e < C.maxZoom - C.minZoom; ++e) { C.disruptionMarkers[e].length = 0 } De() } function ke() { for (var e = 0; e < C.maxZoom - C.minZoom; ++e) { C.waitingTimeMarkers[e].length = 0 } Me() } function we() { if (C) { var e = C.mapObject.getZoom(); var t = C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.informationMarkerGroup); if (t) { C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.informationMarkerGroup) } if(C.informationMarkers[e - C.minZoom]) { if (C.informationMarkers[e - C.minZoom].length == 0) { if (C.informationMarkerGroup) { C.informationMarkerGroup.clearLayers() } C.informationMarkers[e - C.minZoom] = Ae(C.information) } } C.informationMarkerGroup = L.layerGroup(C.informationMarkers[e - 6]); if (t) { C.mapObject.addLayer(C.informationMarkerGroup) } } } function De() { if (C) { var e = C.mapObject.getZoom(); var t = C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.disruptionsMarkerGroup); if (t) { C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.disruptionsMarkerGroup) } if(C.disruptionMarkers[e - C.minZoom]) { if (C.disruptionMarkers[e - C.minZoom].length == 0) { if (C.disruptionsMarkerGroup) { C.disruptionsMarkerGroup.clearLayers() } C.disruptionMarkers[e - C.minZoom] = Ce(C.disruptions) } } C.disruptionsMarkerGroup = L.layerGroup(C.disruptionMarkers[e - 6]); if (t) { C.mapObject.addLayer(C.disruptionsMarkerGroup) } } } function Me() { if (C) { var e = C.mapObject.getZoom(); var t = C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.waitingTimeMarkerGroup); if (t) { C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.waitingTimeMarkerGroup) } if(C.waitingTimeMarkers[e - C.minZoom]) { if (C.waitingTimeMarkers[e - C.minZoom].length == 0) { if (C.waitingTimeMarkerGroup) { C.waitingTimeMarkerGroup.clearLayers() } C.waitingTimeMarkers[e - C.minZoom] = _e(C.waitingTimes) } } C.waitingTimeMarkerGroup = L.layerGroup(C.waitingTimeMarkers[e - C.minZoom]); if (t) { C.mapObject.addLayer(C.waitingTimeMarkerGroup) } } } function Ae(e) { var t = new Array(e.length); var a = 0; var i; for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var o = e[r].getMessage(C.language).trim(); if (o != "") { i = e[r].getDisplayCoords(); if (i) { switch (e[r].nature) { case "information": t[a] = L.marker(i, { icon: informationIcon(C.markerIconSizes["information"]) }); t[a].bindPopup(L.popup().setContent("
    " + o + "
    ")); a++; break; case "roadworks": t[a] = L.marker(i, { icon: roadworksIcon(C.markerIconSizes["roadworks"]) }); t[a].bindPopup(L.popup().setContent("
    " + o + "
    ")); a++; break; default: break } } } } t.length = a; return t } function Ce(e) { var t = new Array(e.length); var a = 0; var i; for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { var o = e[r].getMessage(C.language).trim(); if (o != "") { i = e[r].getDisplayCoords(); if (i) { switch (e[r].nature) { case "incident": t[a] = L.marker(i, { icon: incidentIcon(C.markerIconSizes["incident"]) }); t[a].bindPopup("
    " + o + "
    "); t[a].setZIndexOffset(3e3); a++; break; case "accident": t[a] = L.marker(i, { icon: accidentIcon(C.markerIconSizes["accident"]) }); t[a].bindPopup("
    " + o + "
    "); t[a].setZIndexOffset(3e3); a++; break; case "trafficJam": t[a] = L.marker(i, { icon: trafficjamIcon(C.markerIconSizes["trafficJam"]) }); t[a].bindPopup("
    " + o + "
    "); t[a].setZIndexOffset(3e3); a++; break; case "closure": t[a] = L.marker(i, { icon: closureIcon(C.markerIconSizes["closure"]) }); t[a].bindPopup("
    " + o + "
    "); t[a].setZIndexOffset(3e3); a++; break; default: break } } } } t.length = a; return t } function _e(e) { var t = new Array(e.length); var a = 0; var i; for (var r = 0; r < e.length; r++) { i = e[r].getDisplayCoords(); if (i) { switch (e[r].nature) { case "retentionArea": t[a] = L.marker(i, { icon: retentionAreaIcon(C.markerIconSizes["retentionArea"]) }); t[a].bindPopup(L.popup().setContent("
    " + e[r].label + "
    " + getLabelForLocale("retentionDelay", C.language) + ": " + e[r].duration + "
    ")); a++; break; case "tollWaitingTime": t[a] = L.marker(i, { icon: tollWaitingTimeIcon(C.markerIconSizes["tollWaitingTime"]) }); t[a].bindPopup(L.popup().setContent("
    " + e[r].label + "
    " + getLabelForLocale("tollWaitingTime", C.language) + ": " + e[r].duration + "
    ")); a++; break; default: break } } } t.length = a; return t } function Oe() { var e = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var t = document.getElementById("WT3_GetTrafficAlertScript"); if (t) { e.removeChild(t) } if (C.trafficAlerts && C.trafficAlerts.length == 0) { link = document.createElement("script"); link.src = SAWT3_RealTimeTrafficAlertsLocation + "/trafficAlert.js"; link.charset = "UTF-8"; link.type = "text/javascript"; link.id = "WT3_GetTrafficAlertScript"; link.async = true; e.appendChild(link) } } this.parseTrafficAlert = function(e) { if (e) { for (var t = 0; t < e.length; ++t) { if (e[t]) { C.trafficAlerts.push(new ie(e[t])) } } Be() } e = 0 }; function Be() { var e = document.getElementById("trafficAlertNotification"); var t = document.getElementsByClassName("leaflet-top leaflet-right"); if (!e) { e = document.createElement("div"); e.id = "trafficAlertNotification"; t[0].appendChild(e); if (L.Browser.ielt9) { e.innerText = "" } else { e.textContent = "" } e.onmouseover = function() { e.style.cursor = "pointer" } } e.style.visibility = "hidden"; var o = []; for (var a = 0; a < C.trafficAlerts.length; ++a) { if (C.trafficAlerts[a].latLngBounds.contains(C.mapObject.getCenter()) && (C.trafficAlerts[a].language.toUpperCase() == "FR" || C.trafficAlerts[a].language.toUpperCase() == C.language)) { o.push(C.trafficAlerts[a]) } } if (o == 0) { return } else { if (o.length > 0 && o.length < 10) { e.className = "leaflet-control trafficalert-notification-" + o.length } else { e.className = "trafficalert-notification-10" } } e.classList.add("leaflet-control"); e.style.visibility = "visible"; e.onclick = function(e) { var t = L.popin({ title: getLabelForLocale("trafficAlertPopupTitle", C.language), className: "trafficalert" }).addTo(C.mapObject); var a = document.createElement("ul"); a.className = "trafficalert-list"; for (var i = 0; i < o.length; ++i) { var r = document.createElement("li"); r.className = "trafficalert-list-item"; trafficAlertTitleH1 = document.createElement("h2"); trafficAlertTitleH1.className = "trafficalert-list-item-title"; trafficAlertTitleH1.innerHTML = o[i].title; r.appendChild(trafficAlertTitleH1); trafficAlertContentP = document.createElement("p"); trafficAlertContentP.className = "trafficalert-list-item-content"; trafficAlertContentP.innerHTML = o[i].message; r.appendChild(trafficAlertContentP); a.appendChild(r) } t.addContent(a) } } function We() { var e = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var t = document.getElementById("WT3_GetTripTimeScript"); if (t) { e.removeChild(t) } if (C.tripTimes.length !== 0) { at.prepareTripTimesForDisplay() } } this.parseTripTimes = function(e) { if (e) { for (var t = 0; t < e.length; ++t) { C.tripTimes.push(new U(e[t])) } } e = 0; Ie() }; function Ie() { C.tripTimeClusters = new Array; C.tripTimes.sort(function(e, t) { if (e.name < t.name) return -1; else if (e.name == t.name) return 0; else return 1 }); for (var e = 0; e < C.tripTimes.length; ++e) { var t = C.tripTimes[e]; if (!C.tripTimeClusters[t.latlng]) { var a = L.marker(t.latlng, { tripTimesCount: 0 }); a.on("click", function() { je(this._latlng) }); C.tripTimeClusters[t.latlng] = a } C.tripTimeClusters[t.latlng].options.tripTimesCount += t.properties.length } Ne() } function Ne() { for (var e = 0; e < Object.keys(C.tripTimeClusters).length; ++e) { var t = C.tripTimeClusters[Object.keys(C.tripTimeClusters)[e]]; t.options.icon = tripTimeIcon(C.markerIconSizes["tripTime"], t.options.tripTimesCount); C.tripTimeMarkerGroup.addLayer(t) } if (C.tripTimesOn) C.tripTimeMarkerGroup.addTo(C.mapObject) } function je(e) { var t = L.popin({ title: getLabelForLocale("tripTime", C.language), className: "trip-time" }).addTo(C.mapObject); var a = document.createElement("ul"); a.className = "leaflet-popin-content trip-time"; var i = document.createElement("h2"); i.className = "trip-time-list"; a.appendChild(i); for (var r = 0; r < C.tripTimes.length; r++) { var o = C.tripTimes[r]; if (o.latlng.lat == e.lat && o.latlng.lat == e.lat) { if (!i.innerHTML) { i.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("startingFrom", C.language) + "« " + o.name + " »" } o.properties.sort(function(e, t) { if (e.destination < t.destination) return -1; else if (e.destination == t.destination) return 0; else return 1 }); for (var n = 0; n < o.properties.length; ++n) { var s = Ee(o.name, o.properties[n]); a.appendChild(s) } } } t.addContent(a) } function Ee(e, t) { var a = document.createElement("li"); a.className = "trip-time"; var i = document.createElement("div"); i.className = "trip-time-description"; i.innerHTML = e + '
    ' + t.destination; a.appendChild(i); var r = document.createElement("div"); r.className = "trip-time-display " + t.status; r.innerHTML = t.TPE; if (t.TPL && t.TPE && t.TPE != t.TPL) { var o = document.createElement("p"); o.className = "trip-time-delay " + t.status; o.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("insteadOf", C.language) + " " + t.TPL; r.appendChild(o) } a.appendChild(r); return a } function xe(e, t) { var a = document.createElement("li"); a.className = "trip-time global-list"; var i = document.createElement("div"); i.className = "trip-time-description global-list"; var r = document.createElement("p"); r.className = "trip-time-description-origin global-list"; r.innerHTML = e; i.appendChild(r); var o = document.createElement("p"); o.className = "trip-time-description-destination global-list"; i.appendChild(o); var n = document.createElement("span"); n.className = "trip-time-description-to"; n.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("to", C.language) + " "; o.appendChild(n); var s = document.createElement("span"); s.className = "trip-time-description-destination"; s.innerHTML = t.destination; o.appendChild(s); a.appendChild(i); var c = document.createElement("div"); c.className = "trip-time-display global-list " + t.status; var l = document.createElement("p"); l.className = "trip-time-current-time"; l.innerHTML = t.TPE; c.appendChild(l); if (t.TPE && t.TPL && t.TPE != t.TPL) { var f = document.createElement("p"); f.className = "trip-time-normal-time"; f.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("insteadOf", C.language) + " " + t.TPL; c.appendChild(f) } a.appendChild(c); a.id = e + "#" + t.destination; return a } function Pe() { var i = document.createElement("ul"); i.className = "leaflet-popin-content trip-time lobal-list"; var e = L.popin({ title: getLabelForLocale("tripTime", C.language), className: "trip-time" }).addTo(C.mapObject); var t = document.createElement("div"); t.className = "trip-time-list-header global-list"; var a = document.createElement("span"); a.className = "trip-time-list-header global-list"; t.appendChild(a); var r = document.createElement("h2"); r.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("pickTripTimeLocation", C.language); r.className = "trip-time-list"; a.appendChild(r); var o = document.createElement("p"); o.className = "trip-time-count"; a.appendChild(o); var n = document.createElement("div"); n.className = "trip-time-list-lookup hidden"; var s = document.createElement("input"); s.type = "text"; s.className = "trip-time-lookup-input"; s.placeholder = getLabelForLocale("tripTimeLookupInputPlaceholder", C.language); s.onkeyup = function(e) { if (e.target.value.length > 0) { for (var t = 0; t < i.childNodes.length; ++t) { var a = i.childNodes[t]; if (lookupStringClean(a.id).indexOf(lookupStringClean(e.target.value)) == -1) { if (!a.classList.contains("hidden")) { a.classList.add("hidden") } } else { if (a.classList.contains("hidden")) { a.classList.remove("hidden") } } } Ze(i, lookupStringClean(e.target.value)) } else { for (var t = 0; t < i.childNodes.length; ++t) { var a = i.childNodes[t]; if (a.classList.contains("hidden")) { a.classList.remove("hidden") } } s.placeholder = getLabelForLocale("tripTimeLookupInputPlaceholder", C.language); Ze(i) } }; n.appendChild(s); t.appendChild(n); e.addContent(t); var c = document.createElement("span"); c.className = "trip-time-list-lookup-icon"; c.onclick = function() { if (n.classList.contains("hidden")) { c.className = "trip-time-list-lookup-icon-close"; a.classList.add("hidden"); n.classList.remove("hidden") } else { c.className = "trip-time-list-lookup-icon"; a.classList.remove("hidden"); n.classList.add("hidden"); s.value = ""; for (var e = 0; e < i.childNodes.length; ++e) { if (i.childNodes[e].classList.contains("hidden")) { i.childNodes[e].classList.remove("hidden") } } Ze(i) } }; t.appendChild(c); for (var l = 0; l < C.tripTimes.length; ++l) { var f = C.tripTimes[l]; for (var m = 0; m < f.properties.length; ++m) { i.appendChild(xe(f.name, f.properties[m])) } } o.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("among", C.language) + i.childNodes.length + getLabelForLocale("listedTripTimes", C.language); return e.addContent(i) } function Ze(e, t) { if (t) { var a = []; var i = []; var r = []; var o = []; for (var n = 0; n < e.childNodes.length; ++n) { var s = e.childNodes[n]; var c = s.id.split("#"); var l = c[0]; var f = c[1]; if (lookupStringClean(l).indexOf(t) == 0) { a.push(s) } else if (lookupStringClean(f).indexOf(t) == 0) { r.push(s) } else if (lookupStringClean(l).indexOf(t) > 0) { i.push(s) } else if (lookupStringClean(f).indexOf(t) > 0) { o.push(s) } } var m = r.length; var u = m + a.length; var p = u + r.length; for (var d = 0; d < a.length; ++d) { var s = a[d]; e.insertBefore(s, e.childNodes[d]) } for (var h = 0; h < r.length; ++h) { var s = r[h]; e.insertBefore(s, e.childNodes[h + m]) } for (var v = 0; v < i.length; ++v) { var s = i[v]; e.insertBefore(s, e.childNodes[v + u]) } for (var g = 0; g < o.length; ++g) { var s = o[g]; e.insertBefore(s, e.childNodes[g + p]) } } else { var T = []; for (var n = 0; n < e.childNodes.length; ++n) { T.push(e.childNodes[n]) } T.sort(function(e, t) { if (e.id < t.id) return -1; else if (e.id == t.id) return 0; else return 1 }); for (var d = 0; d < T.length; ++d) { e.insertBefore(T[d], e.childNodes[d]) } } } function He() { C.tripTimeMarkerGroup.eachLayer(function(e) { C.tripTimeMarkerGroup.removeLayer(e) }); C.tripTimeMarkerGroup.length = 0; Ne() } WT3_LoadTrafficForecastTiles = function() { if (C.trafficForecastLayer && C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.trafficForecastLayer)) { C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.trafficForecastLayer) } if (typeof SAWT3_TrafficForecastTilesLocation != "undefined") { C.SAWT["SAWT3_TrafficForecastTilesLocation"] = SAWT3_TrafficForecastTilesLocation; if (C.trafficForecastDateTime) { var e; e = L.tileLayer(SAWT3_TrafficForecastTilesLocation + "/" + $e(C.trafficForecastDateTime, true) + "{z}/{x}/{y}.png", C.trafficForecastLayerOptions); e.setZIndex(20); e.addTo(C.mapObject); C.trafficForecastLayer = e } } }; WT3_LoadTrafficForecastSections = function() { for (var e = 0; e < C.maxZoom - C.minZoom; ++e) { C.trafficForecastMarkers[e].clearLayers(); if (C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.trafficForecastMarkers[e])) { C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.trafficForecastMarkers[e]) } } var t = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; if (typeof SAWT3_TrafficForecastTilesLocation != "undefined" && !C.trafficForecastSectionsLoaded && !C.trafficForecastSectionsLoading) { if(window.location.href.indexOf("preprod") !== -1){ var a = SAWT3_TrafficForecastTilesLocation + "/sections.preprod.js"; } else{ var a = SAWT3_TrafficForecastTilesLocation + "/sections.js"; } var i = document.createElement("script"); i.src = a; i.charset = "UTF-8"; i.type = "text/javascript"; i.id = "WT3_TrafficForecastSectionsScript"; t.appendChild(i); C.trafficForecastSectionsLoading = true } else if (C.trafficForecastSectionsLoaded && C.trafficForecastDateTime) { WT3_LoadTrafficForecastSectionStates() } if (C.trafficForecastGroups.length == 0) { var a = SAWT3_TrafficForecastTilesLocation + "/groups.js"; var i = document.createElement("script"); i.src = a; i.charset = "UTF-8"; i.type = "text/javascript"; i.id = "WT3_TrafficForecastGroupsScript"; t.appendChild(i) } if (typeof trafficForecastThumbnails == "undefined") { var a = SAWT3_TrafficForecastTilesLocation + "/sectionsThumbnails.js"; var i = document.createElement("script"); i.src = a; i.charset = "UTF-8"; i.type = "text/javascript"; i.id = "WT3_TrafficForecastSectionsThumbnailsScript"; t.appendChild(i) } }; WT3_LoadTrafficForecastSectionStates = function() { var e = $e(C.trafficForecastDateTime, true); if (e && typeof SAWT3_TrafficForecastTilesLocation != "undefined") { var t = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var a = SAWT3_TrafficForecastTilesLocation + "/" + e + "sectionsState.js"; var i = document.getElementById("WT3_ForecastSectionStatesScript"); if (i) t.removeChild(i); i = document.createElement("script"); i.src = a; i.charset = "UTF-8"; i.type = "text/javascript"; i.id = "WT3_" + e + "ForecastSectionStatesScript"; i.id = "WT3_ForecastSectionStatesScript"; t.appendChild(i) } if (!C.rushHours[e.split("/")[0]]) { var t = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var r = SAWT3_TrafficForecastTilesLocation + "/" + e.split("/")[0] + "/rushHour.js"; var i = document.createElement("script"); i.src = r; i.charset = "UTF-8"; i.type = "text/javascript"; i.id = "WT3_" + e.split("/")[0] + "RushHourScript"; t.appendChild(i) } }; WT3_LoadTrafficForecastChartData = function() { if (typeof SAWT3_TrafficForecastTilesLocation != "undefined" && C.trafficForecastDateTime) { var e = $e(C.trafficForecastDateTime, false); if (e) { var t = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var a = SAWT3_TrafficForecastTilesLocation + "/" + e + "graphs.js"; var i = document.createElement("script"); i.src = a; i.charset = "UTF-8"; i.type = "text/javascript"; i.id = "WT3_" + e + "ForecastDataScript"; t.appendChild(i) } } }; WT3_LoadGeoJsonSegmentGeometry = function() { var e = new XMLHttpRequest; e.open("GET", SAWT3_SegmentRollOverGeoJsonGeometryLocation + "segmentGeometry.geojson"); e.send(null); e.addEventListener("readystatechange", function() { if (e.readyState === XMLHttpRequest.DONE) { C.geoJsonSegmentGeometry = JSON.parse(e.responseText); at.AddGeoJsonSegmentsToMap() } }) }; this.AddGeoJsonSegmentsToMap = function() { var e = L.geoJSON(C.geoJsonSegmentGeometry.features, { style: function() { return { color: "#333333", weight: 8, opacity: 0, offset: 4 } } }); e.on("mouseover", function(a) { e.eachLayer(function(e) { if (e.feature.properties.id == a.layer.feature.properties.id) { e.setStyle({ opacity: .5 }); var t = e.getPopup(); if (typeof t != "undefined") { if (!e.isPopupOpen()) { e.openPopup() } } } }) }); e.on("mouseout", function(a) { e.eachLayer(function(e) { if (e.feature.properties.id == a.layer.feature.properties.id) { e.setStyle({ opacity: 0 }); var t = e.getPopup(); if (typeof t != "undefined") { if (e.isPopupOpen()) { e.closePopup() } } } }) }); C.mapObject.addLayer(e); C.segmentRollOverLayers = e }; WT3_LoadSegmentRollOverPopupData = function() { if (typeof SAWT3_SegmentRollOverPopupDataLocation != "undefined") { var e = document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0]; var t = document.getElementById("WT3_SegmentRollOverDataScript"); if (t) { e.removeChild(t) } var a = document.createElement("script"); a.src = SAWT3_SegmentRollOverPopupDataLocation + "segmentPopupData.js"; a.charset = "UTF-8"; a.type = "text/javascript"; a.id = "WT3_SegmentRollOverDataScript"; e.appendChild(a) } }; WT3_AddSegmentRollOverPopupToLayers = function() { if (C.segmentRollOverLayers) { C.segmentRollOverLayers.eachLayer(function(e) { e.unbindPopup() }) } if (typeof C.segmentRollOverLayers != "undefined" && typeof C.segmentRollOverPropeties != "undefined") if (C.segmentRollOverLayers != null && C.segmentRollOverPropeties != null) { C.segmentRollOverLayers.eachLayer(function(e) { if (C.segmentRollOverPropeties[e.feature.properties.id]) { var t = C.segmentRollOverPropeties[e.feature.properties.id]; var a = "Tronçon " + e.feature.properties.id + ""; for (var i in t) { var r = t[i]; if (a != "") a = a + "
    "; a = a + i + " : " + r } e.bindPopup(a) } }) } if (typeof SAWT3_SegmentRollOverPopupDataLocation != "undefined") { C.SAWT["SAWT3_SegmentRollOverPopupDataLocation"] = SAWT3_SegmentRollOverPopupDataLocation } }; this.parseSegmentRollOverPopupData = function(e) { if (C) { if (e) { C.segmentRollOverPropeties = e; WT3_AddSegmentRollOverPopupToLayers() } } }; resizeTrafficForecastChartBars = function() { var e = document.getElementsByClassName("traffic-forecast-chart-bar"); if (e.length > 0) { var t = document.createElement("div"); t.className = "traffic-forecast-chart-bar"; C.div.appendChild(t); var a = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(t).getPropertyValue("height")); C.div.removeChild(t); for (var i = 0; i < e.length; ++i) { var r = e[i]; if (i == 0) { r.style.height = a + "px" } else { var o = r.color == "r" ? { min: .8, max: 1 } : r.color == "o" ? { min: .6, max: .8 } : { min: 0, max: .6 }; r.style.height = (r.value * (o.max - o.min) + o.min) * a + "px" } } } }; WT3_ClearAndReloadTrafficForecastMarkers = function() { if (C.trafficLayer == "forecast") { for (var e = 0; e < C.maxZoom - C.minZoom; ++e) { if (C.trafficForecastMarkers[e]) { C.trafficForecastMarkers[e].clearLayers() } } Re() } }; WT3_EnableSegmentRollOverFeature = function() { WT3_LoadGeoJsonSegmentGeometry(); WT3_LoadSegmentRollOverPopupData(); var e = 0; var t = setInterval(function() { e = e + 1; if (typeof C.segmentRollOverLayers != "undefined" && typeof C.segmentRollOverPropeties != "undefined") if (C.segmentRollOverLayers != null && C.segmentRollOverPropeties != null) { clearInterval(t); WT3_AddSegmentRollOverPopupToLayers(); C.enableSegmentRollOver = true } if (e >= 40) { clearInterval(t); console.log("Warning: Segment roll-over feature failed to load.") } }, 250) }; this.parseSections = function(e, t, a) { C.trafficForecastSectionsLoading = false; if (t) { var i = t.split("-"); C.trafficForecastMinDate = new Date(i[0], i[1] - 1, i[2]) } if (a) { var r = a.split("-"); C.trafficForecastMaxDate = new Date(r[0], r[1] - 1, r[2]); C.trafficForecastMaxDate.setHours(23) } if (e) { for (var o = 0; o < e.length; ++o) { C.trafficForecastSections.push(new U(e[o])) } } C.trafficForecastSectionsLoaded = true; e = 0; if (C.trafficForecastDateTime) { WT3_LoadTrafficForecastSectionStates() } }; this.cleanMemSectionArray = function() { var e = 10; var t = Object.keys(C.trafficForecastSectionStates).length; var a = 0; for (key in C.trafficForecastSectionStates) { if (a < t - e) { delete C.trafficForecastSectionStates[key] } a++ } }; this.parseSectionsState = function(e) { if (e) { var t = $e(C.trafficForecastDateTime, true); if (!C.trafficForecastSectionStates[t]) { C.trafficForecastSectionStates[t] = [] } this.cleanMemSectionArray(); for (var a = 0; a < Object.keys(e).length; ++a) { var i = Object.keys(e)[a]; C.trafficForecastSectionStates[t][i] = Ve(e[i]) } } e = 0; Re() }; this.parseTrafficForecastChartData = function(e) { if (e) { var t = $e(C.trafficForecastDateTime, false); if (!C.trafficForecastChartData[t]) { C.trafficForecastChartData[t] = [] } for (var a = 0; a < e.length; ++a) { C.trafficForecastChartData[t][e[a][0]] = { values: e[a][1], colors: e[a][2] } } } e = 0 }; this.parseTrafficForecastGroups = function(e) { if (e && C.trafficForecastGroups.length == 0) { for (var t = 0; t < e.length; ++t) { C.trafficForecastGroups.push({ group: e[t][0], sections: e[t][1] }) } } e = 0 }; this.setRushHour = function(e, t) { if (e) { C.rushHours[e] = t; if (C.trafficForecastDateTime) { var a = e.split("-"); if (parseInt(a[0]) == C.trafficForecastDateTime.getFullYear() && parseInt(a[1]) == C.trafficForecastDateTime.getMonth() + 1 && parseInt(a[2]) == C.trafficForecastDateTime.getDate() && t == C.trafficForecastDateTime.getHours()) { C.setTrafficForecastDateTime(C.trafficForecastDateTime) } } } }; var Re = function() { if (C.trafficForecastDateTime) { var e = C.mapObject.getZoom(); if (!C.trafficForecastMarkers[e - C.minZoom]) { C.trafficForecastMarkers[e - C.minZoom] = L.markerGroup() } var t = $e(C.trafficForecastDateTime, true); for (var a = 0; a < C.trafficForecastSections.length; ++a) { var i = C.trafficForecastSections[a]; var r = -2; for (var o = 0; o < i.properties.length; ++o) { var n = i.properties[o]; if (C.trafficForecastSectionStates[t][n.id] && r < C.trafficForecastSectionStates[t][n.id]) { r = C.trafficForecastSectionStates[t][n.id] } if (r == 2) break } if (r == -2) r = 0; var s = L.marker(i.latlng, { icon: trafficForecastIcon(C.markerIconSizes["forecast"], r) }); s.on("click", function(e) { Ge(e.latlng) }); C.trafficForecastMarkers[e - C.minZoom].addLayer(s) } if (L.buttonInCustomControlBarIsActivated("forecasts") || !C.displayTrafficForecastButton) { u() } } }; var Ge = function(e) { var t = e.lat; var a = e.lng; for (var i = 0; i < C.trafficForecastSections.length; ++i) { var r = C.trafficForecastSections[i]; if (r.latlng.lat == t && r.latlng.lng == a) { var o = L.popin({ title: getLabelForLocale("trafficForecast", C.language) + " - " + formatDate(C.language, C.trafficForecastDateTime) + "", className: "forecast" }).addTo(C.mapObject); var n = document.createElement("ul"); n.id = "forecastSectionList"; o.addContent(n); ze(r, o); return o } } }; var ze = function(e, t) { var a = document.getElementById("forecastSectionList"); if (!a) return; var i = document.createElement("li"); a.appendChild(i); var r = ""; if (typeof trafficForecastThumbnails != "undefined" && e.properties[0] && e.properties[0].id && trafficForecastThumbnails[e.properties[0].id]) { r = trafficForecastThumbnails[e.properties[0].id] } var o = document.createElement("img"); o.className = "forecast"; o.src = WT3_baseURL + "/forecast-thumbnails/100/" + r + ".png"; i.appendChild(o); var n = document.createElement("div"); n.className = "forecast-description"; i.appendChild(n); for (var s = 0; s < e.properties.length; ++s) { var c = e.properties[s]; var l = document.createElement("div"); l.className = "forecast-direction"; n.appendChild(l); var f = document.createElement("p"); f.className = "forecast-direction origin"; f.innerHTML = c.origin; l.appendChild(f); var m = document.createElement("p"); m.className = "forecast-direction destination"; m.innerHTML = c.destination; l.appendChild(m); l.section = c; l.onclick = function() { createSectionTrafficForecastChartPopin(t, this.section) } } t.addContent(a) }; createSectionTrafficForecastChartPopin = function(e, t) { var a = L.popin({ title: getLabelForLocale("trafficForecast", C.language) + " - " + formatDate(C.language, C.trafficForecastDateTime) + "", className: "forecast", parentPopin: e, backToDisplayText: getLabelForLocale("backToList", C.language) }).addTo(C.mapObject); var i = ""; if (e.groupName) { var r = document.createElement("div"); a.addContent(r); r.className = "trafficforecast-group-popin-title"; iconDiv = document.createElement("div"); iconDiv.className = "trafficforecast-group-popin-title-icon"; r.appendChild(iconDiv); descriptionDiv = document.createElement("div"); descriptionDiv.className = "trafficforecast-group-popin-title-description"; r.appendChild(descriptionDiv); descriptionDiv.innerHTML = e.groupName; i = " with-group-title " } var o = document.createElement("h2"); o.innerHTML = t.origin + "" + t.destination; o.className = "traffic-forecast-section-description" + i; a.addContent(o); var n = document.createElement("h3"); n.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("trafficForecastChartTitle", C.language); n.className = "traffic-forecast-chart-title" + i; a.addContent(n); var s = document.createElement("div"); s.className = "traffic-forecast-chart" + i; a.addContent(s); var c = document.createElement("div"); c.className = "traffic-forecast-chart-traffic-axis-arrow" + i; s.appendChild(c); var l = document.createElement("div"); l.className = "traffic-forecast-chart-time-axis-arrow" + i; s.appendChild(l); var f = document.createElement("div"); f.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("traffic", C.language); f.className = "traffic-forecast-chart-traffic-axis-legend" + i; s.appendChild(f); var m = $e(C.trafficForecastDateTime, false); if (C.trafficForecastChartData[m] && C.trafficForecastChartData[m][t.id]) { var u = document.createElement("div"); u.className = "traffic-forecast-chart-bar" + i; C.div.appendChild(u); var p = parseInt(window.getComputedStyle(u).getPropertyValue("height")); C.div.removeChild(u); var d = document.createElement("div"); d.className = "traffic-forecast-chart-bar" + i; d.style.height = p + "px"; d.style.width = 1 + "px"; s.appendChild(d); for (var h = 0; h < 24; ++h) { var d = document.createElement("div"); d.value = C.trafficForecastChartData[m][t.id].values[h]; d.color = C.trafficForecastChartData[m][t.id].colors[h]; d.className = "traffic-forecast-chart-bar " + i + d.color; var v = d.color == "r" ? { min: .8, max: 1 } : d.color == "o" ? { min: .6, max: .8 } : { min: 0, max: .6 }; d.style.height = (d.value * (v.max - v.min) + v.min) * p + "px"; s.appendChild(d) } var g = document.createElement("div"); g.className = "traffic-forecast-chart-time-axis-legend" + i; g.id = "trafficForecastTimeLegend" + i; s.appendChild(g); for (var T = 0; T < 24; ++T) { var b = document.createElement("div"); b.className = "traffic-forecast-chart-hour" + i; if (T % 3 == 0) { b.innerHTML = T } else { b.innerHTML = "-" } g.appendChild(b) } } var y = document.createElement("div"); y.className = "traffic-forecast-chart-hour-day-legend" + i; y.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("hourOfTheDay", C.language); a.addContent(y); var S = document.createElement("div"); S.className = "traffic-forecast-chart-color-legend" + i; var F = document.createElement("div"); F.className = "traffic-forecast-chart-color-legend-element" + i + " v"; S.appendChild(F); var k = document.createElement("div"); k.className = "traffic-forecast-chart-color-legend-text" + i; k.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("freeFlow", C.language); S.appendChild(k); var w = document.createElement("div"); w.className = "traffic-forecast-chart-color-legend-element" + i + " o"; S.appendChild(w); var D = document.createElement("div"); D.className = "traffic-forecast-chart-color-legend-text" + i; D.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("loaded", C.language); S.appendChild(D); var M = document.createElement("div"); M.className = "traffic-forecast-chart-color-legend-element" + i + " r"; S.appendChild(M); var A = document.createElement("div"); A.className = "traffic-forecast-chart-color-legend-text" + i; A.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("saturated", C.language); S.appendChild(A); a.addContent(S); return a }; var Ue = function() { var e = L.popin({ title: getLabelForLocale("trafficForecast", C.language) + " - " + formatDate(C.language, C.trafficForecastDateTime) + "", className: "forecast" }).addTo(C.mapObject); var t = document.createElement("h2"); t.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("selectHighway", C.language); t.className = "traffic-forecast-group-list"; e.addContent(t); var a = document.createElement("ul"); a.className = "trafficforecast-group-list"; e.addContent(a); for (var i = 0; i < C.trafficForecastGroups.length; ++i) { var r = document.createElement("li"); r.className = "trafficforecast-group-list-item"; r.index = i; a.appendChild(r); var o = document.createElement("div"); o.className = "trafficforecast-highway-icon"; r.appendChild(o); var n = document.createElement("div"); n.className = "trafficforecast-group-description"; n.innerHTML = C.trafficForecastGroups[i].group; r.appendChild(n); r.onclick = function() { Je(C.trafficForecastGroups[this.index], e) } } return e }; var Je = function(e, t) { var a = L.popin({ title: getLabelForLocale("trafficForecast", C.language) + " - " + formatDate(C.language, C.trafficForecastDateTime) + "", className: "forecast", parentPopin: t, backToDisplayText: getLabelForLocale("backToList", C.language) }).addTo(C.mapObject); a.groupName = e.group; var i = document.createElement("div"); a.addContent(i); i.className = "trafficforecast-group-popin-title"; iconDiv = document.createElement("div"); iconDiv.className = "trafficforecast-group-popin-title-icon"; i.appendChild(iconDiv); descriptionDiv = document.createElement("div"); descriptionDiv.className = "trafficforecast-group-popin-title-description"; i.appendChild(descriptionDiv); descriptionDiv.innerHTML = a.groupName; var r = document.createElement("ul"); r.id = "forecastSectionList"; a.addContent(r); var o = []; for (var n = 0; n < e.sections.length; ++n) { var s = Ye(e.sections[n]); if (s && o.indexOf(s) < 0) { o.push(s) } } for (var c = 0; c < o.length; ++c) { ze(o[c], a) } return a }; var Ve = function(e) { switch (e) { case "fluide": return 0; case "charge": return 1; case "sature": return 2; case "inconnu": return -1; default: return 0 } }; var $e = function(e, t) { var a = e.getFullYear(); var i = e.getMonth() + 1; var r = e.getDate(); var o = e.getHours(); if (i < 10) i = "0" + i; if (r < 10) r = "0" + r; if (t) { return a + "-" + i + "-" + r + "/" + o + "/" } else { return a + "-" + i + "-" + r + "/" } }; var Ye = function(e) { for (var t = 0; t < C.trafficForecastSections.length; ++t) { var a = C.trafficForecastSections[t]; for (var i = 0; i < a.properties.length; ++i) { if (a.properties[i].id == e) { return a } } } return }; var qe = function() { if (!C.trafficForecastSectionsLoading && !C.trafficForecastSectionsLoaded) { WT3_LoadTrafficForecastSections() } if (C.trafficForecastSectionsLoading && !C.trafficForecastSectionsLoaded && C.createForecastDateSelectionScreenTries < 100) { ++C.createForecastDateSelectionScreenTries; setTimeout(function() { qe() }, 200) } var e = document.getElementById("forecastSplashScreen"); if (!e) { e = document.createElement("div"); e.className = "forecast-splash-screen"; e.id = "forecastSplashScreen"; C.div.appendChild(e) } if (C.trafficForecastSectionsLoaded) { if (!C.initialTrafficForecastDateTime || C.initialTrafficForecastDateTime < C.trafficForecastMinDate || C.initialTrafficForecastDateTime > C.trafficForecastMaxDate) { if (C.createForecastDateSelectionScreenTries >= 10) { C.div.removeChild(e) } if (C.trafficForecastSectionsLoaded) { C.createForecastDateSelectionScreenTries = 0; C.setMouseEnabled(false); if (e.getElementsByClassName("forecast-title").length == 0) { var t = document.createElement("div"); t.className = "forecast-title"; var a = document.createElement("h1"); a.className = "forecast-title"; a.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("trafficForecast", C.language); t.appendChild(a); var i = document.createElement("p"); i.className = "forecast-subtitle"; i.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("trafficForecastAvailable", C.language); t.appendChild(i); var r = document.createElement("p"); r.className = "forecast-subtitle"; r.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("trafficForecastFromToday", C.language) + " " + getLabelForLocale("trafficForecastToDate", C.language) + " " + formatDate(C.language, C.trafficForecastMaxDate); t.appendChild(r); e.appendChild(t); var o = document.createElement("div"); o.className = "forecast-select"; var n = document.createElement("p"); n.className = "forecast-select"; n.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("forecastDateSelectDescription", C.language); o.appendChild(n); forecastDateDiv = document.createElement("div"); forecastDateLabel = document.createElement("label"); forecastDateLabel.className = "forecast-datetime"; forecastDateLabel.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("forecastDate", C.language); forecastDateDiv.appendChild(forecastDateLabel); forecastDateSelectInput = document.createElement("input"); forecastDateSelectInput.className = "forecast-select"; forecastDateSelectInput.id = "datePicker"; forecastDateSelectInput.readOnly = true; var s = new Date; s.setMinutes(0); s.setSeconds(0); s.setHours(s.getHours() + 1); C.trafficForecastDatePicker = new Pikaday({ field: forecastDateSelectInput, minDate: C.trafficForecastMinDate < s ? s : C.trafficForecastMinDate, maxDate: C.trafficForecastMaxDate, defaultDate: C.trafficForecastDateTime, onSelect: function(e) { var t = document.getElementById("timeSelect"); if (e.toDateString() == s.toDateString()) { for (var a = 0; a < s.getHours(); a++) { t.querySelector('option[value="' + a + '"]').disabled = true } } else { var i = Array.prototype.slice.call(t.querySelectorAll("option")); i.map(function(e) { e.disabled = false }) } forecastDateSelectInput.value = formatDate(C.language, e); if (forecastTimeSelect.selectedIndex > -1) { var r = new Date(e); r.setHours(forecastTimeSelect.value); if (!o) { var o = document.getElementById("forecastDateTimeSelectValidate") } o.value = r; if (!o.classList.contains("enabled")) { o.classList.add("enabled") } } } }); if (C.language == "FR") { C.trafficForecastDatePicker._o.i18n = { previousMonth: "Mois précédent", nextMonth: "Mois suivant", months: ["Janvier", "Février", "Mars", "Avril", "Mai", "Juin", "Juillet", "Août", "Septembre", "Octobre", "Novembre", "Décembre"], weekdays: ["Dimanche", "Lundi", "Mardi", "Mercredi", "Jeudi", "Vendredi", "Samedi"], weekdaysShort: ["Dim", "Lun", "Mar", "Mer", "Jeu", "Ven", "Sam"] }; C.trafficForecastDatePicker._o.firstDay = 1 } forecastDateSelectInput.picker = C.trafficForecastDatePicker; forecastDateDiv.appendChild(forecastDateSelectInput); o.appendChild(forecastDateDiv); forecastTimeDiv = document.createElement("div"); forecastTimeLabel = document.createElement("label"); forecastTimeLabel.className = "forecast-datetime"; forecastTimeLabel.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("forecastTime", C.language); forecastTimeDiv.appendChild(forecastTimeLabel); forecastTimeSelect = document.createElement("select"); forecastTimeSelect.className = "forecast-select"; forecastTimeSelect.id = "timeSelect"; forecastTimeDiv.appendChild(forecastTimeSelect); o.appendChild(forecastTimeDiv); var c = Ke(C.language); for (var l = 0; l < c.length; l++) { forecastTimeSelect.appendChild(c[l]) } if (C.trafficForecastDateTime) { forecastTimeSelect.selectedIndex = C.trafficForecastDateTime.getHours() } else { forecastTimeSelect.selectedIndex = -1 } forecastTimeSelect.onchange = function() { if (this.selectedIndex > -1 && C.trafficForecastDatePicker._d >= C.trafficForecastMinDate && C.trafficForecastDatePicker._d <= C.trafficForecastMaxDate) { if (!e) { var e = document.getElementById("forecastDateTimeSelectValidate") } if (!e.classList.contains("enabled")) { e.classList.add("enabled") } } }; forecastDateSelectValidate = document.createElement("button"); forecastDateSelectValidate.className = "forecast-select"; forecastDateSelectValidate.id = "forecastDateTimeSelectValidate"; forecastDateSelectValidate.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("forecastDateValidate", C.language); forecastDateSelectValidate.onclick = function() { if (this.classList.contains("enabled")) { if (!e) { var e = document.getElementById("timeSelect") } var t = new Date(C.trafficForecastDatePicker._d); t.setHours(e.value); C.setTrafficForecastDateTime(t); if (!a) { var a = document.getElementById("forecastSplashScreen") } a.parentNode.removeChild(a); C.setMouseEnabled(true) } }; o.appendChild(forecastDateSelectValidate); e.appendChild(o); Xe(); if (C.trafficForecastDateTime) { C.trafficForecastDatePicker.setDate(C.trafficForecastDateTime) } } } } else { if (!C.trafficForecastDateTime) { C.setTrafficForecastDateTime(C.initialTrafficForecastDateTime); C.initialTrafficForecastDateTime = null; e = document.getElementById("forecastSplashScreen"); if (e) { C.div.removeChild(e) } } } } }; var Xe = function() { if (C.trafficForecastDatePicker && document.getElementById("datePicker")) { if (typeof document.getElementById("datePicker").getBoundingClientRect === "function") { C.trafficForecastDatePicker.offsetX = document.getElementById("datePicker").getBoundingClientRect().left } else { C.trafficForecastDatePicker.offsetX = document.getElementById("datePicker").offsetX } if (!C.trafficForecastDatePicker.el.classList.contains("is-hidden")) { C.trafficForecastDatePicker.adjustPosition() } } }; var Ke = function(e) { var t = []; switch (e) { case "EN": for (var a = 0; a < 24; ++a) { var i = document.createElement("option"); i.value = a; if (a == 0) { i.innerHTML = "12:00 AM" } else if (a < 12) { i.innerHTML = a + ":00 AM" } else if (a == 12) { i.innerHTML = "12:00 PM" } else { i.innerHTML = a - 12 + ":00 PM" } t.push(i) } break; default: for (var a = 0; a < 24; ++a) { var i = document.createElement("option"); i.value = a; i.innerHTML = a < 10 ? "0" + a + "h00" : a + "h00"; t.push(i) } } return t }; var Qe = function() { if (C.trafficForecastDateTime && C.displayTrafficForecastDateButton) { var e = document.createElement("div"); var t = document.createElement("div"); t.className = "forecast-button date"; var a = C.trafficForecastDateTime.getDate(); if (C.language == "FR" && a < 10) a = "0" + a; t.innerHTML = a; e.appendChild(t); var i = document.createElement("div"); i.className = "forecast-button month"; i.innerHTML = getMonthForLocale(C.language, C.trafficForecastDateTime); e.appendChild(i); return e } }; var et = function() { if (C.trafficForecastDateTime && C.displayTrafficForecastTimeButtons) { var e = document.createElement("div"); var t = document.createElement("div"); t.className = "forecast-button previous"; var a = document.createElement("div"); a.className = "forecast-button next"; var i = function() { var e = new Date; e.setMinutes(0); e.setSeconds(0); e.setHours(e.getHours() + 1); if (C.trafficForecastDateTime <= e || C.trafficForecastDateTime <= C.trafficForecastMinDate) { t.classList.add("unavailable") } else { t.classList.remove("unavailable") } if (C.trafficForecastDateTime >= C.trafficForecastMaxDate) { a.classList.add("unavailable") } else { a.classList.remove("unavailable") } }; if (C.trafficForecastDateTime > C.trafficForecastMinDate) { t.onclick = function(e) { var t = new Date; t.setMinutes(0); t.setSeconds(0); t.setHours(t.getHours() + 1); if (C.trafficForecastDateTime > t) { if (C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.trafficForecastMarkers[C.mapObject.getZoom() - C.minZoom])) { C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.trafficForecastMarkers[C.mapObject.getZoom() - C.minZoom]) } C.trafficForecastDateTime.setHours(C.trafficForecastDateTime.getHours() - 1); C.setTrafficForecastDateTime(C.trafficForecastDateTime) } i() } } i(); e.appendChild(t); var r = C.trafficForecastDateTime.getFullYear(); var o = C.trafficForecastDateTime.getMonth() + 1; if (o < 10) o = "0" + o; var n = C.trafficForecastDateTime.getDate(); if (n < 10) n = "0" + n; var s = r + "-" + o + "-" + n; var c = C.rushHours[s]; var l = getHoursForLocale(C.language, C.trafficForecastDateTime); if (C.trafficForecastDateTime.getHours() == c) { var f = tt(l) } else { var f = document.createElement("div"); f.id = "trafficForecastTime"; f.className = "forecast-button time description"; f.innerHTML = l } e.appendChild(f); if (C.trafficForecastDateTime < C.trafficForecastMaxDate) { a.onclick = function(e) { if (C.mapObject.hasLayer(C.trafficForecastMarkers[C.mapObject.getZoom() - C.minZoom])) { C.mapObject.removeLayer(C.trafficForecastMarkers[C.mapObject.getZoom() - C.minZoom]) } C.trafficForecastDateTime.setHours(C.trafficForecastDateTime.getHours() + 1); C.setTrafficForecastDateTime(C.trafficForecastDateTime) } } i(); e.appendChild(a); return e } }; var tt = function(e) { var t = document.getElementById("trafficForecastTime"); if (t) { t.parentNode.removeChild(t) } t = document.createElement("div"); t.id = "trafficForecastTime"; t.className = "forecast-button time description rushhour"; t.innerHTML = e; var a = document.createElement("p"); a.className = "rushhour"; t.appendChild(a); a.innerHTML = getLabelForLocale("trafficForecastRushHour", C.language); return t } }; var lookupStringClean = function(e) { return e.toLowerCase().replace(/'/g, "").replace(/ /g, "").replace(/\//g, "").replace(/-/g, "").replace(/_/g, "").replace(/\(/g, "").replace(/\)/g, "").replace(/à/g, "a").replace(/â/g, "a").replace(/é/g, "e").replace(/è/g, "e").replace(/ê/g, "e").replace(/î/g, "i").replace(/ô/g, "o").replace(/û/g, "u").replace(/ù/g, "u") }; var getHoursForLocale = function(e, t) { if (t) { var a = t.getHours(); switch (e) { case "EN": if (a == 0) { return "12 AM" } else if (a < 12) { return a + " AM" } else if (a == 12) { return "12 PM" } else { a -= 12; return a + " PM" } default: if (a < 10) a = "0" + a; return a + "h" } } }; var getMonthForLocale = function(e, t) { if (t) { switch (t.getMonth()) { case 0: return getLabelForLocale("jan", e); case 1: return getLabelForLocale("feb", e); case 2: return getLabelForLocale("mar", e); case 3: return getLabelForLocale("apr", e); case 4: return getLabelForLocale("mai", e); case 5: return getLabelForLocale("jun", e); case 6: return getLabelForLocale("jul", e); case 7: return getLabelForLocale("aug", e); case 8: return getLabelForLocale("sep", e); case 9: return getLabelForLocale("oct", e); case 10: return getLabelForLocale("nov", e); case 11: return getLabelForLocale("dec", e) } } }; function formatDate(e, t) { if (t) { switch (e) { case "EN": return getMonthForLocale(e, t) + " " + t.getDate() + ", " + t.getFullYear(); case "FR": var a = t.getDate(); if (a < 10) a = "0" + a; return a + " " + getMonthForLocale(e, t) + " " + t.getFullYear(); default: return t.toLocaleDateString(e) } } } function formatDateTime(e, t) { if (!e instanceof Date) return ""; if (!t) { return e.toLocaleString() } var a = e.getFullYear(); var i = "0" + (e.getMonth() + 1); i = i.substring(i.length - 2); var r = "0" + e.getDate(); r = r.substring(r.length - 2); var o = "0" + e.getHours(); o = o.substring(o.length - 2); var n = "0" + e.getMinutes(); n = n.substring(n.length - 2); switch (t) { case "FR": return r + "/" + i + "/" + a + " " + o + ":" + n; case "EN": if (o == 0) { return i + "/" + r + "/" + a + " " + 12 + ":" + n + " AM" } else if (o < 12) { o = parseInt(o); return i + "/" + r + "/" + a + " " + o + ":" + n + " AM" } else if (o == 12) { return i + "/" + r + "/" + a + " " + o + ":" + n + " PM" } else { o = parseInt(o) - 12; return i + "/" + r + "/" + a + " " + o + ":" + n + " PM" } default: return e.toLocaleString() } } var _translations = Array(); _translations["EN"] = { showInformation: "Display traffic information", showDisruptions: "Display disruptions", showExits: "Display exits", showAreas: "Display areas", showUserLocation: "Move to your location", geolocationError: "We were not allowed to geolocate you", showWebcams: "Display webcams", zoomIn: "Zoom in", zoomOut: "Zoom out", attribution: "OpenStreetMap contributors, ©Autoroutes Trafic "+(new Date()).getFullYear(), dataTime: "Last update: ", updateError: "/!\\ Last map update failed", junction: "Junction", exit: "Exit", restArea: "Rest area", serviceArea: "Service area", abbreviatedNumber: "#", toll: "Toll gate", tollWaitingTime: "Wait at the toll gate", retentionDelay: "Retention delay", trafficAlertPopupTitle: "Traffic Alert", webcamError: "Error while reading the video.", fullScreenMap: "Full screen map", realTimeTraffic: "Real time traffic", webcam: "Webcam", tripTime: "Journey time", tripTimeLookup: "Search in journey times", tripTimeFromList: "Time from: ", tripTimeToList: "Time to:", among: "In the ", from: "From", startingFrom: "Starting from ", to: "To", delayToNormalTime: "Delay", insteadOf: "instead of", webcamThumbnail: "Webcam thumbnail", backToList: "Back to list", backToWebcamList: "Back to webcam list", showTripTimeList: "Show journey time list", pickTripTimeLocation: "Select a location", listedTripTimes: " locations found", tripTimeLookupInputPlaceholder: "Enter a location", aboutPopinTitle: "About", updateErrorPopinTitle: "Data update failed", updateErrorPopinNetwork: "Network connection failed!", updateErrorPopinNextUpdate: "Next update in 3 minutes.", updateErrorPopinRefreshLink: "Update now", updating: "Updating, please wait...", trafficForecast: "Traffic forecast", trafficForecastAvailable: "Traffic forecast available : ", trafficForecastFromToday: "from today", trafficForecastToDate: "to", forecastDateSelectPopinTitle: "Traffic forecast", forecastDateSelectDescription: "Traffic forecast for :", forecastDate: "Day :", forecastTime: "Time :", forecastDateValidate: "See traffic forecast", trafficForecastFor: "Traffic forecast for : ", trafficForecastRushHour: "busiest hour", openForecastDateSelectPopin: "Select a new date for traffic forecast", trafficForecastChartTitle: "24 hours traffic forecast", traffic: "Traffic", display24hTraffic: "24h traffic bargraph", hourOfTheDay: "Hour of the day", freeFlow: "Free flow", loaded: "Loaded", saturated: "Saturated", selectHighway: "Select a highway", jan: "January", feb: "February", mar: "March", apr: "April", may: "May", jun: "June", jul: "July", aug: "August", sep: "September", oct: "October", nov: "November", dec: "December", weatherForecastFor: "Weather forecast for : ", weatherForecastHourSuffix: "", dates: { months: ["January", "February", "March", "April", "May", "June", "July", "August", "September", "October", "November", "December"], weekdays: ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"], weekdaysShort: ["Sun", "Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu", "Fri", "Sat"] }, nearestWheaterForecastMarker: "Nearest weather forecast location" }; _translations["FR"] = { showInformation: "Afficher les informations", showDisruptions: "Afficher les perturbations", showExits: "Afficher les échangeurs", showAreas: "Afficher les aires", showUserLocation: "Afficher votre position", geolocationError: "Nous n'avons pas obtenu l'autorisation de vous géolocaliser", showWebcams: "Afficher les webcams", zoomIn: "Zoomer", zoomOut: "Dézoomer", attribution: "Les contributeurs OpenStreetMap, ©Autoroutes Trafic 2024", dataTime: "Dernière mise à jour : ", updateError: "/!\\ Echec de la dernière mise à jour", junction: "Bifurcation", exit: "Echangeur", restArea: "Aire de repos", serviceArea: "Aire de service", abbreviatedNumber: "n°", toll: "Barrière de péage", tollWaitingTime: "Attente au péage", retentionDelay: "Durée de stockage", trafficAlertPopupTitle: "Alerte info trafic", webcamError: "Erreur de lecture de la vidéo.", fullScreenMap: "Carte plein écran", realTimeTraffic: "Trafic temps réel", webcam: "Webcam", tripTime: "Temps de parcours", tripTimeLookup: "Recherche de temps de parcours", tripTimeFromList: "Temps de parcours depuis :", tripTimeToList: "Temps de parcours vers :", among: "Parmi les ", from: "De", startingFrom: "Au départ de ", to: "Vers", delayToNormalTime: "Retard", insteadOf: "au lieu de", webcamThumbnail: "Vignette pour la webcam", backToList: "Retour à la liste", backToWebcamList: "Retour à la liste des webcams", showTripTimeList: "Afficher la liste des temps de parcours", pickTripTimeLocation: "Sélectionnez un point de départ ou d'arrivée", listedTripTimes: " points de départ ou d'arrivée", tripTimeLookupInputPlaceholder: "Saisissez un point de départ ou d'arrivée", aboutPopinTitle: "À propos", updateErrorPopinTitle: "Mise à jour des données impossible", updateErrorPopinNetwork: "Connexion réseau impossible !", updateErrorPopinNextUpdate: "Prochaine tentative dans 3 minutes.", updateErrorPopinRefreshLink: "Mettre à jour maintenant", updating: "Mise à jour en cours...", trafficForecast: "Prévisions de trafic", trafficForecastAvailable: "Prévisions de trafic disponibles : ", trafficForecastFromToday: "d'aujourd'hui", trafficForecastToDate: "au", forecastDateSelectPopinTitle: "Prévisions de trafic", forecastDateSelectDescription: "Consulter les prévisions pour :", forecastDate: "Date :", forecastTime: "Heure :", forecastDateValidate: "Voir les prévisions", trafficForecastFor: "Prévisions pour le : ", trafficForecastRushHour: "heure la plus chargée", openForecastDateSelectPopin: "Choisir une nouvelle date pour les prévisions", trafficForecastChartTitle: "Prévisions de trafic sur 24 heures", traffic: "Trafic", display24hTraffic: "Histogramme du trafic sur 24h", hourOfTheDay: "Heure de la journée", freeFlow: "Fluide", loaded: "Dense", saturated: "Saturé", selectHighway: "Sélectionnez une autoroute", jan: "janvier", feb: "février", mar: "mars", apr: "avril", may: "mai", jun: "juin", jul: "juillet", aug: "août", sep: "septembre", oct: "octobre", nov: "novembre", dec: "décembre", weatherForecastFor: "Prévisions pour le : ", weatherForecastHourSuffix: "h", dates: { months: ["Janvier", "Février", "Mars", "Avril", "Mai", "Juin", "Juillet", "Août", "Septembre", "Octobre", "Novembre", "Décembre"], weekdays: ["Dimanche", "Lundi", "Mardi", "Mercredi", "Jeudi", "Vendredi", "Samedi"], weekdaysShort: ["Dim", "Lun", "Mar", "Mer", "Jeu", "Ven", "Sam"] }, nearestWheaterForecastMarker: "Point météo le plus proche" }; var getLabelForLocale = function(e, t) { if (!(t in _translations)) { throw new Error("Language " + t + " is not loaded"); return e } else if (e in _translations[t]) { return _translations[t][e] } else { return e } }; function getLocalTimeISOoffsetMarker() { var e = new Date; var t; var a; var i = e.getTimezoneOffset(); var r, o, n = ""; r = parseInt(i) >= 0 ? "+" : "-"; i = Math.abs(i); o = "0" + parseInt(i / 60); o = o.substring(o.length - 2); n = "0" + i % 60; n = n.substring(n.length - 2); return r + o + ":" + n } function htmlDecode(e) { var t = document.createElement("div"); t.innerHTML = e; return t.childNodes.length === 0 ? "" : t.childNodes[0].nodeValue } if (!("classList" in document.documentElement) && Object.defineProperty && typeof HTMLElement !== "undefined") { Object.defineProperty(HTMLElement.prototype, "classList", { get: function() { var r = this; function e(i) { return function(e) { var t = r.className.split(/\s+/), a = t.indexOf(e); i(t, a, e); r.className = t.join(" ") } } var t = { add: e(function(e, t, a) { ~t || e.push(a) }), remove: e(function(e, t) { ~t && e.splice(t, 1) }), toggle: e(function(e, t, a) { ~t ? e.splice(t, 1) : e.push(a) }), contains: function(e) { return !!~r.className.split(/\s+/).indexOf(e) }, item: function(e) { return r.className.split(/\s+/)[e] || null } }; Object.defineProperty(t, "length", { get: function() { return r.className.split(/\s+/).length } }); return t } }) } function informationIcon(e) { return L.divIcon({ className: "information-icon-class", iconSize: null, iconAnchor: getIconAnchor(e, "center") }) } function roadworksIcon(e) { return L.divIcon({ className: "roadworks-icon-class", iconSize: null, iconAnchor: [e[0] / 2, e[1] / 1.5] }) } function incidentIcon(e) { return L.divIcon({ className: "incident-icon-class", iconSize: null, iconAnchor: getIconAnchor(e, "center") }) } function accidentIcon(e) { return L.divIcon({ className: "accident-icon-class", iconSize: null, iconAnchor: getIconAnchor(e, "center") }) } function closureIcon(e) { return L.divIcon({ className: "closure-icon-class", iconSize: null, iconAnchor: getIconAnchor(e, "center") }) } function trafficjamIcon(e) { return L.divIcon({ className: "trafficjam-icon-class", iconSize: null, iconAnchor: getIconAnchor(e, "center") }) } function weatherForcastIcon(e, t, a, i, r) { if (typeof a == "undefined") { a = "" } else { a = a + "C" } if (typeof i == "undefined") { i = "" } else { i = i + "C" } var o = '
    '; o += '
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